Unknown Prey

Chapter 121 121 New Phone

"So he has always been cold and aloft. I do not care that he was not a virgin. There are desired that need to be fulfilled. I desired him and he desired me, so we gave in to those desires and we are where we are today because of it." Kitty took a bite of the food.

"Yes, I understand. People tried to scheme to take control of his household but he outwitted them. He has suffered a lot but when he gained Luke he started to change a little. I think having a person to protect changed him. Now that he has you he has learned how important love is." Anna watched Kitty eat.

Leo came upstairs with a sandwich but didn't enter the room and listened to what they were saying. "You two are gossiping about me when you know I would come back?"

Kitty giggles, "is it really gossiping if you want to know what your workers think of you? I think you have some lovely workers and you are very lucky Darling. I wish I had gotten to know you earlier but there is no point in dwelling on the past. Let's look at the future as a family with our little one."

"That is a true statement, my love. I am lucky that you are mine. I will do what it takes to protect you and our child." Leo sat down and ate his sandwich.

Anna got up and took the empty plate with her when she left the room. "If you need anything please call me." She bowed and closed the door.

Kitty ate more of the porridge. "I am so worn out. I think I won't be able to eat all of this, Darling. Will you set it aside and when I wake up I might be able to finish it?" She holds the tray out for Leo to take.

Leo puts his plate on the nightstand and quickly grabbed the tray, "don't worry about finishing it. You must be exhausted, love. Sleep and I will be here when you wake up." He places the tray on the other nightstand and then covers her with a blanket. He leans over and little kisses her lips then touches her cheek. "I will look more on the surveillance of my places while you nap and I will contact Brielle about them as soon as I am done reviewing and send over the footage that I find."

Kitty nods after his kiss, closes her eyes and passes out.

Leo watches her and makes sure that she is in a deep sleep before leaving the bed. He sets himself up on the couch, with the laptop on his lap and the sandwich in his hand he starts to review his properties. 'Out of all the ones they chose to do this at, they chose the one I used after the engagement party. Not a bad choice if I do say so. That is one of the places a have favored lately so that could be why they chose it.' He cuts the footage into a shorter clip and sends it to Brielle along with a message. ~Brielle, this is going to be a bit of a dangerous situation. Someone is obviously trying to frame me. What do you think about this and how do you purpose we deal with the situation?~

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Brielle who was a passenger in the car was sitting next to Will as Valdis drove them to the next place. She opened her email and reviewed what was stated. She put in her headphones and listened to the clip twice.She quickly replied back, ~Duly noted. I do believe that is the case I will only bring Will and you with me when we go to your place. I do not want your fiance to be in danger. So we shall go over tonight. Do you think the vampire will be hostile or will he still be sane?~

Leo read the reply. 'Hmmmmm. I can't say outright that I think he will be sane but I could transport him here to be safe.'~If he is sane, we will be able to get some valuable information from him. I say we bring him here. I doubt he will attack us if we bring him substance or offer him our own blood. A hungry vampire won't kill unless cornered. He is alone so I do not think that we have anything to fear honestly.~ He quickly replied and watched the clip again. 'Who's body build is that? I will find out who decided this would be a good idea and destroy them.'

After reading his last message Brielle quickly replied. ~Okay, we will meet at that place at seven in the evening. I will make sure that we have blood for the vampire if not he can have mine. I doubt that he will want a male's blood. I have a hunt tomorrow so I can acquire and extra blood bag and claim that it's for the mission. But if you keep him at your place what you do to feed him?~

Leo saw the notification and finished analyzing the person on the screen. 'It has to be Brent. He is close to Valadis and has a similar structure.' He checks the content of the message and sighs. ~I will worry about the blood for him later, for now, one extra bag will be enough to tide him over. So you shouldn't need to offer your blood to him. I will put my trust in this vampire and hope he's not violent. Please bring that blood along with you when you come. We will transport him to this place after he agrees to cooperate.~

Kitty woke up only a little while after but felt a lot better she got up and looked at the screen. "I'm going with you."

"No, you aren't. You are not able to fly and besides just because you know him does not mean that I can put your life in jeopardy. I. WILL. NOT. BRING. YOU." Leo enunciates the last sentence as well as says it a little louder then moves his laptop down and sets aside his phone.

"Fine. I will not travel with you but you must bring a device so that I may chat with him. That is all I am asking. I know better than to ask to travel with you dear." Kitty sits in his lap.

"That is acceptable then. I have my phone so I will video call you once you give me your number. I just realized that my old phone is no longer in commission. I replaced the phone already but I want you to be my first contact on the new phone." Leo held her gently.

"Were you not using a phone a moment ago?" Kitty looks at Leo confused.

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