Unknown Prey

Chapter 127 127 Kitty Gains Two Disciples

"Did you guys happen to create an illusion of a deer to scare of hunters?" Kitty thinks back to what happened to Margret and George.

"Yes, we did. I didn't know it was triggered until after we found out it was a couple going on vacation. It was supposed to go off on an evil soul. I heard that the couple that got hit by the spell were kind people. I felt guilty but I am glad that they lived." Nettie stopped hugging Kitty and sat up.

"I healed the female. That is why they are okay. Healing magic is what I am strongest at." Kitty had patted Nettie's arm, "I will finish eating and we can talk openly here." Kitty eats more of her dinner.

"You are aware that you are leaving traces of your powers all over the house and that it is not something that is considered good to do?" Tobias looks at Kitty and then back in the air.

"I usually am able to erase the presence but for the last two months, it has increasingly been getting harder to do. I can focus on what needs to happen. I can clear the energies but only for a short period of time. I remember my father training me to do that at a young age," Kitty nods her head and finishes the waffles.

"The clan that you mentioned was wiped out by the hunter Valdis. You are aware of that?" Nettie took the tray and placed it on the table as she asked this.

"I was aware that they had passed. My father was upset over it and that is another reason he was working with the Maisons'. He said that if anyone could change the system it would be them. I remember a lot of things from my childhood. That is probably because of my powers. It does seem like they are getting stronger and I am not sure if it just from being pregnant or if it is something else." Kitty watches the reaction from the two.

Tobias stiffens a little, "it is not common for your powers to grow stronger but more like they are going to get out of control. As I said this is why we don't normally have a child with someone that is not of our kind but it is good that we are here now. I can clear your magic traces in the air and Nettie can help you gain more control. I know that you meant no harm by telling us your name. I personally would like to join the cause." Tobias looks at his wife.

"I too would like to join. I wanted to have a child but that has not been possible with everything going on but if the timing is right then I would like to have a little one. I will also join the cause, but I will also help you contain your powers and if I am not enough then Kaiden will help me. I know that you are special and in a different situation from me. If your father was alive he would have handled this on his own. I am from a different clan that is weaker than the clan that you descend from." Nettie slowly looks around the room and sees the magic being cleansed out.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

"I have heard there are different ranks among our kind but I didn't know where I would sit. There is still a lot that I am learning. I wouldn't mind learning if you guys have the spare time but you two have a business that you need to run as well so I understand that you won't have the time to help me out all the time." Kitty watches the air become cleaner.

"The Cafe was something we built together because we couldn't have a child together at that time so running a cafe was the next best thing. It's just a business and if you need one of us to come and check up on you then we will do so over the next few weeks." Tobias says this and then watches his wife.

Nettie starts a chant in her mind as she touches Kitty's arm. ~Powers unkempt and untamed please rein in and be under control. Thou has not been released and shall not be until the moment of life passes. You are meant to protect the princess of our kind, thou shall follow her commands and aid her in her time of need.~ Nettie feels her powers going to Kitty and is happy as she feels Kitty's powers slowly reining itself in.

Kitty feels warm and smiles at the couple but doesn't say anything. 'I do not want to break their concentration. It is nice that they are both willing to help me out. I will forever be grateful for their help.'

Once the process was done Tobias looked at the girls on the couch and smiles. "Since you are the princess of both the fox demons and the witches will you share your knowledge with us? It is not every day that one of your heritage would mingle with us lower beings. I know that we just helped you but that is a token of our friendship. We would like to learn from you."

"I am more than willing to share the information with the two of you but the condition that you can only look at the books you can not reproduce the spells you see in the books. This is a condition that my father placed on what disciples he had. I am still not as experienced as he was but I am still learning." Kitty was looking at Tobias.

"I do not mind that at all, I just want to learn everything that a can while I can. It is more a blessing that you are even willing to associate with us as it is. I know that you don't mind but I don't think you know how important you really are. If others found out what clan you are from they will try to get you over to their side. I do not want to do that." Nettie smiles and shakes her head.

"I understand that my father's family was the cream of the crop. So that must mean that my bloodlines are insane. I am not only the head of one clan but I am the head of a second clan that I didn't know I was in charge of. I have not been approached to go and lead a witch or warlock clan. Maybe because I have not divulged what clan my father was from? I only told you two because I thought you two could be trusted." Kitty feels a little better and not as weak but still a little on the weak side.

"I won't tell anyone, your secret is safe with us and besides you are our teacher now and we will do as you ask of us," Tobias smiles happily.

"Your complexion is starting to look better. I am glad that we chose to come over. I was worried you would not want us to help you out but it seems like my worry was for nothing," Nettie patted Kitty on the back.

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