Unknown Prey

Chapter 130 130 Ketan Formally Accepts the Job

Ketan sits down next to Leo, "if there are animals in the forest I will be able to get the blood I need from them. I promise that I will not harm your people. I do not crave human blood and the blood pack you guys brought was tasty but it was not what I drink anymore. I appreciate the thought though. I will take you up on the offer for the job but won't it be strange that you suddenly hired me?"

"They did not know that you are a daywalker. They will assume that you were a human that they caught, as my cell would normally drive a being such as yourself crazy. Besides they have already investigated my house that Kitty is at. Will, Brielle, and Valdis conducted the search of that residence. Kitty used a lot of her powers to keep the secret safe. All I want you to do is protect Kitty until the baby is born. If for some reason an uninvited guest shows up I would like you to capture them but if you can sense the ill intent I would like you to eliminate the threat." Leo kept his eyes on Ketan and drank the rest of the bourbon in his glass.

"Did Kitsune put up the barrier? I know that if she did I will be able to hear it go off. I would hate for it to go off and it to disrupt her slumber. I will accept the job. Do not blame me if you have a dead human to take care of when you come back home." Ketan finished off the bourbon and smiles darkly.

"Kitty has the barrier up but I do not know if it needs to be replaced since someone already came over with ill intent. I do not care if you kill someone that is trying to cause my family harm. You can drain their blood for all I care. It is not like I haven't dealt with a dead body before. If you save them for questioning I will make it so that you can go into the dungeon. Are you able to turn a human into a vampire?" Leo finishes his drink as the jet finally takes off. 'I wanted to get home faster but it is already pretty late, I hope that she is resting well.'

"That is a question I will ask Kitsune when she wakes up. I will not wake her up just to ask. As for your question, there are some that can turn a human into a vampire. It is not a common trait and that is one of the reasons some of us have chosen to become hunters of animals rather than humans. I do indeed process that ability. If you want me to turn a human into a night creature I will do so. I am not a normal vampire as I have some royal blood in my veins. Each royal vampire has their own set of traits that are not listed and recorded. I fear bringing harm to humans as I have killed a few by mistake and was forced to kill others. I do enjoy the hunt of prey though." Ketan thinks for a moment, "my real name as you heard Kitsune yell is Ahriman. I swear my loyalties with you and I will do what I can to protect your family." He bows and then holds out his hand to Leo.

Leo takes his hand and shakes it firmly, "I knew that you would join this cause mostly for Kitsune's sake. She has made so many friends it is hard to believe. Thank you for your cooperation and I do look forward to working with you. I know that it is not polite to ask but since you brought it up I am hoping that you do not mind that I ask you some questions. I am merely curious and I swear I will not write anything that I find out down. I am really curious about what you mean by royal blood and the special traits of powers that you might have?"

"I now think of you as family. I have no issues with sharing this information with you. I am of royal descent. Even if I go into details I can't say much on the matter of family. That is information that is on lockdown. I can, however, explain some of my powers with you. I am a daywalker that is something that I always had the ability to unlock. Not every one of the vampire clan can become a daywalker. Some like Sophia are lucky and are born with the gift but most are not so you don't actually have to worry about the entire race becoming daywalkers. Usually, a vampire will pick another supernatural as a life partner so that way our life will be extended for as long as possible. When we pick a partner we need to feed from then roughly twenty-five times and we will form a bond that ties our life to the other individual. If the partner were to pass away, then the bonded vampire would starve to death. Once the bond is in place we can only feed from our partner from that point on. That is why we have a rule not to choose a partner right away. It's not the reason I haven't chosen. I can not bear to bring a being into this dark world. As I said earlier I can turn a person into a vampire but I have not used that ability on anyone. I prefer to give the person a choice and a long life is not something that most people would choose. I for one do not know if a human turned vampire would be able to be a daywalker. Would you be willing to give up being able to be in the sunlight?" Ketan looks at Leo and waits for his reply. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

"I can understand why you wouldn't turn anyone then. If the person said they wanted to live would you let them die or would you help them? I for one do not care whether I see the sun or not. All I want is to stay by Kitty's side and I really don't want to die. I am not asking you to change me but bear in mind that I might come to you if something happens. I am only a human right now but I know that Kitty will turn me into her kind and her powers will go to me once the baby is born but it is good to have more options," Leo looks out the window and smiles, "I trust you understand what I mean."

"I understand and I will help if that is what you truly want but only at the time it needs to be done. You have been marked by a hybrid we have been waiting to see what would happen as Kitty's powers are insane. So we always wondered if she marked an individual what would happen? I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. I am on your side. Can you tell me all the people in the household on the drive back?" Ketan feels the plane as it starts to descend and he prepares for the landing.

"Of course, I will go over that with you. I do not want any of my people to get attacked," Leo smiled.

Edgar came out and told them, "Sir and Ketan you may now disembark and I will go grab the car it will be about a two-hour drive but I will try to get us back there more quickly for the Madam's sake," he bowed and left to get the car.

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