Unknown Prey

Chapter 135 135 Meant to be the Light That Saves You From Yourself

"Thank you, Darling. Can you bring me a second cup?" Kitty smiles evilly and pours the first cup and she picks up the cup and places it in front of Ketan, "remember that if you cross me this is what will happen." Kitty concentrated on the cup and the cup frozen in an ice block.

Ketan didn't make a sound and looked at the cup in horror. "I know fully well what will happen if I cross you. You should eat before your food gets cold. I will stare at the ice block and remind myself what will happen."

Leo watched the cup and was shocked but shrugged it off and grabbed Kitty another cup from the kitchen and then he poured her another cup. "You should relax and not use your powers too much in case something does happen. I know that you are doing this for Ketan's sake but you need to think of yourself and the baby."

Kitty glances over at Leo and then stops focusing on Ketan who was still on the floor staring at the cup. Once her focus was gone the ice slowly melted. She takes the teacup from Leo and drinks down the warm tea. Ketan gets up and takes the cup to the sink and watches the ice melt and he feels chills down his spine. 'I never ever want to feel that again!' Once the ice is fully melted he comes back to the dining room and sits at the table watching Kitty.

Leo smiles as he watches her drink the tea. "Today will be a relax at home day kind of day. I have to check my work emails and see if there is anything pressing that is going to happen or need to be dealt with. Even if I go on vacation I still have to check and approve some paperwork. I noticed yesterday that there were quite a few hunts that were not on my approved hunt list so I have to investigate this and find out why it did not go through me first. I will have to start a case and take it to the current head. If he approved it then there is nothing I can do but if someone else set it forth then I will have to take action."

"If that is what you must do then I understand, Darling. I will sketch and then if Ketan is bored I will find something for him to do." Kitty looks at Ketan.

"If you need me to do something I will do it. I caused you enough trouble in the past and I need to prove to you that I am not going to cause you more issues now. What kind of tasks do you want me to do?" Ketan looks up at Kitty then notices her evil smile and he shudders.

"It's good that you know where you stand with me right now. I want you to go to town with Anna, Edgar, and Samuel. Check the mail, to do some food shopping, and then you guys can come back after that is done. I want everyone out of the house." Kitty turns to Leo and smiles sweetly. "Darling there is something I want to talk to you about...alone."

"If that is what my girl wants then that is what will happen. Everyone is awake I can get them all to leave in about thirty minutes and we will have about four hours to chat about whatever you want to talk about." Leo gets up and calls everyone to the dining room. "Everyone this is Ketan he will be the bodyguard on duty from now until after the baby is born. He will have access to everywhere in the house except your private quarters. I want you all to go into town and show him where everything is so that in case of an emergency he can go and pick up something if asked."

Edgar stepped up, "Sir, I will go to prepare the car for us to travel into town then. Ketan, I am the butler Edgar. If anything is confusing please let me know and I will give you a hand." Edgar bowed and then turned to go get the car ready.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

Anna looked at Ketan and smiled, "you must be strong to be able to handle being a bodyguard. My name is Anna and I am the maid here. I look forward to working with you."

"I'm Samuel and I am the gardener here. I am in charge of the greenhouse if you need any fresh foods please let me know and I will dig them up for you. Anna is also my wife. I look forward to working with you as well." Samuel gave his wife a hug.

"It is a pleasure to meet you guys. I will take you guys up on the offer for help but as for the food I have a rather unique diet so I am sad to say that the fresh food would be wasted on me but if I need to grab something for Kitty or anyone else in the household I will come to you." Ketan scratches the back of his head and then walks towards the front door.

Anna and Samuel follow him and happily walk out hand in hand.

Kitty giggles at the scene and then finishes her food. "Thank you for breakfast, Darling. Let's sit in the living room and chat before John shows up for the day. There is something that I would like to ask you and I wasn't sure if you would want anyone else to know about what I wanted to ask."

Leo was eating his food while looking at his phone and looked up sharply. "Have you seen my past?"

"Yes, I saw some of it while I slept last night. I was a little restless that is why I didn't sleep as well as I usually do. I am surprised that I am seeing the pasts of people now. I will have to learn to control this ability as if I accidentally read someone and it shows something that I do not want to see, then it would be harder on me. I didn't think you would want you, workers, to hear what I have to say." Kitty got up and carried her cup of tea to the living room.

Leo got up and carried his cup of coffee and his phone. He sat down on the couch next to Kitty. "Kitsune, you must know that that memory haunts me to this day. It is part of what changed me," Leo sighs and looks out the window but not focusing on anything in particular.

"I understand that it is not what you meant to happen but I also know now that I am not your first love. I do not mind. I wasn't planning on falling in love but everything happens for a reason. Maybe I am meant to be the light that saves you from yourself. I never want to leave you now and I know that you feel the same but at the same time, I now know that a small part of your heart belongs to someone that no longer exists in the world. It also explains why you are so overprotective of me. I love you even though you have a past with someone else. I will wait until you are ready to share your past with me. Just know that if I see it I will not hold it against you." Kitty reached her hand up and touched Leo's cheek. 'I can see his suffering.'

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