Unknown Prey

Chapter 137 137 Talking With the Boss

"You were lost when you lost your second set of parents. My parents became your parents in a strange way and that is why you were so heartbroken over the loss of them. I know that they would be excited over our marriage and over our baby as well." Leo held Kitty gently and let her weep the tears that wouldn't stop falling.

"I spent so many years with your parents after mine passed so yes, you are right in saying that they were like my second set of parents. I wanted to make Sandra's wish come true but I didn't know who you were and the one time I asked her, she said that she would introduce us soon. It's too bad that it never happened. So when they passed away I went on a journey and that is how I discovered all the other clans that went into hiding. I learned so much from everyone and I was grateful for everyone's support and guidance. Ketan and Sylvie really are brother and sister but if you met Sylvie you will wonder how in the world they are siblings. I should mention that a rogue vampire attacked me before I made it to Sylvie and it was Ketan that saved me. I offered him my blood as a thank you and he was infatuated with me at the time but your mother said that you would be mine so I turned him down. After drinking my blood he lost control and tried to attack Sylvie I froze him like I froze the teacup only I left his head out and that's when I realized that if another vampire took my blood they may not have survived. I thought a better explanation was an order. My threat to Ketan is a real one I will freeze him again if he attacks someone. Sylvie begged me to spare her brother and that was when I stopped my magic but left him encased in ice. We talked about how I was working to help those that desired peace." Kitty let out a little yawn.

"I am happy you are sharing that with me. I could get a grasp on the treat and vaguely understood what had happened. Thank you for explaining it to me. If you are tired you can rest I can do my work while you nap. I will sit up and you can sleep on my lap while I work off my laptop." Leo pats her head.

"Okay, Darling. I will rest while you work." Kitty gets off Leo, then drinks the rest of her tea.

"Thank you, love. I will be back and then you can rest. I will be here when you wake up." Leo got off the couch kissed the top of Kitty's head before heading up to the bedroom. He grabbed his laptop and his work phone then went back to the living room. Leo opened his work phone and started flipping through the work emails and found one from his boss. ~Leo, Sorry to bother you on your time off. First, let me congratulate you on gaining a spouse. I am concerned that you will be away from home a lot. I heard that she is expecting a baby and that the little one is yours. I am happy for you but didn't you also used to say that you wouldn't marry let alone have a child? Not that this old man cares. I think of you as my son and I am happy for you but this is not why I am messaging you. I wanted to let you know that I will need you to come into the workplace tomorrow as someone has been messing with the system and I no longer have the access I need to fox it. I need your expertise to get it back under my control. I do have my suspicions on who it could be. Be careful and if you need help finding a bodyguard I will help you find a suitable one to watch your finance.~ Leo walks into the room and has a troubled expression on his face.

"Is there something wrong, Darling?" Kitty looks up at Leo worriedly.

"Yes, I got an email it looks like it came in last night and it's asking me to go into work today." Leo looks over at Kitty sadly. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

"If you have to go then you can leave when the others return from the adventure into town. I will be okay by myself. I know that you are worried but it is not like anything will happen to me in the short period of time that you are gone. I know how to protect myself and I will do anything to protect our little one." Kitty walked over to Leo and wrapped her arms around him to give a hug.

Leo wrapped his arms around Kitty and kissed the top of her head, "I know that you are capable. I am well aware of your capabilities but I am concerned because I am getting called in by my boss. There are some things that I have to make sure of in order to keep you safe." Leo lets her go and sits back down. "Will it disturb your nap if I made some phone calls?"

"You can do anything that you need to do I will be able to sleep so long as you don't move suddenly." Kitty walks to the couch grabs the blanket that is hanging on the side, bundles herself in it and then lays done on Leo's lap. She looks up at him and smiles, "I will be here for you, Darling."

"I know you will be my love." Leo watches Kitty and when he sees that she has fallen into a deep sleep he picks up his phone and calls his boss. "Elder, it's me. Sorry I didn't get your message right away. I just got it now."

"Leo, I am so glad that you called me now. I can connect you to the network and you can start tracking what is going on from your house. I want you to know that I did not authorize the attack on the town in the Rockies. I was relaxing at home when Will forwarded me the itinerary. As you are well aware I am a supporter of the cause you are trying to create. I just wish you could win everyone else over," Asurlon says this quickly, " so were rumors true and you able to find her then?"

"I not only found her but she is carrying my child. So, yes the rumors were true. I need to keep her safe and the association is not a safe place for her to be as she is a being of greatness. I also finally got the information from my parents. It turns out that my fiance had the letter addressed to me the whole time. I hired her a bodyguard already and I am sure between the two of them, they will be able to keep my house safe." Leo opened his laptop and put his headset on and placed the phone on the armrest beside the laptop.

"So she isn't human then. I will trust the people you keep close to you. I know your parents had settled on a match for you but you fell for Olivia pretty hard but the world is a harsh place. I am glad that you are doing well. Just to confirm again she is with child? I would like to meet the one who tamed you," Asurlon chuckled.

"Yes, she is with child. I will introduce you two, Elder. She will be happy to meet the one who could make the clans be united once and for all. She is the key to finding the supernatural that desires peace. Kitty has a lot of contacts who could unite more than one clan." Leo quickly opens the email and starts to decipher the coding.

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