Unknown Prey

Chapter 14 13


Kitty kept Leo a complete secret. The first month away from Leo went by quickly but at the same time slowly. Kitty was nauseous all the time. She didn't think much of it until halfway through the second month of being separated from Leo. She counted the days back in her head. 'It's been 6 almost 7 weeks since I slept with Leo. Wait a moment when was my last period?' Kitty thought back and it had indeed been at least 8 weeks. 'What do I do? Should I tell Julie?" Kitty walked to the kitchen. Her eyes were full of panic. Before she could say anything the smell of eggs cooking was horrible and she bolted to the bathroom.

Julie watched Kitty come into the room and suddenly bolt from the room. "Kitty are you okay?" Julie followed Kitty to the bathroom and held Kitty's hair while she puked.

Kitty finally stopped puking. She flushed the toilet and rinsed her mouth out. "Julie I think I'm pregnant. It's been too long since I missed my period." Kitty looked at Julie's reaction through the mirror.

Julie let Kitty's hair fall flat on her back. "Do you want me to book an appointment with the doctor in town to be sure?" Julie looked at her in the mirror studying Kitty's face. She says Kitty shake her head yes so she left Kitty to her thoughts as she went to see if they could get her to the doctor right away. She picked up the phone and dialed the doctor's number while she was on hold she opened the kitchen window. After the call, she went back to Kitty. "Come on let's go there was a cancellation and they have an opening in 15 minutes." She walked out to the car and started it up.@@

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