Unknown Prey

Chapter 143 143 Fate Works in Funny Ways

Brielle looked at the food and looked at Kitty who was finishing off her meal. "I will think about what you have said to me and then decide on what I feel will be the right thing to do." Brielle looks at the door that Ketan had left from. 'I can't afford to have a lingering attachment to a vampire and besides I am not built to be loved.'

Kitty got up and went into the kitchen and poured two glasses of iced tea. She came back and handed one to Brielle and then sat back to finish her food. 'I gave her all the information that I could at this time. Now all I can do it is let fate do its thing and if it was meant to be then it shall be.' Hearing Brielle speak up she replies, "okay. I will leave you to think about it and if you need any advice or help please let me know. I am here to help anyone that needs it when it comes to the supernatural."

Brielle takes the glass, takes a sip and nods her head, "thank you, Kitty. I don't know you that well but you are willing to take the time out of your day just to help me out. I really do hope that we can become closer."

Kitty finished eating and then picked up her sketchbook that was at the table and started to sketch Brielle smiling happily with tears forming in her eyes. She then sketched another facial expression one that showed extreme depression where she was curled up into a ball on the floor bawling in a corner. Kitty stopped and changed the page not wanting to continue that sketch at this time. 'It wouldn't be fair of me to sketch her at her worst and if someone saw the sketch it wouldn't end well.'

Brielle finished eating breakfast and then stood up she saw the Kitty was sketching a tiger but a cartoonish looking one. "For the nursery, right?"

"Yes, we settled on eight animals. Luke is going to sketch four of them and I will be sketching the rest. I am just thinking about inspiration…"Kitty yawns loudly, "pardon me."

"If you are tired, why don't you take a nap on the couch since John will be back to work on the study. I will take my leave and let you get the rest that you need and if need to talk to me then you can call me. I will give you my personal number so we can talk. You can also drop me a text whenever you would like to." Brielle pulls out her business card and flips it over and takes one of Kitty's art pencils and writes her cell number. "This is my work number on the front it's usually only given out for work but I do not mind if you have it as you are also a hunter's significant other."

Kitty took the card and pulled out her phone and programmed Brielle's numbers into her phone. Then she sent Brielle a text message. "This is my normal number. I do have another one but that one is not one that I can give to just anyone. I will contact you when we will be able to sit down and chat again. I really enjoyed this visit and meeting you was a pleasure. Next time you come over we can go over the last five finished paintings maybe six if I complete my next work. I do private commissions so if you want the information I can send you the link but don't let Leo know about it, please."

"I won't tell him. I can understand why you want that information on lockdown. I will see how I feel after calming down. You are an inspiration to young people and I am not an exception to this. I am going to take my leave now." Brielle turned towards the door.

Kitty put down the sketchbook and followed Brielle to the door. "I will look forward to hearing from you. If anything happens remember to contact me. Have a safe drive home."

Brielle leaves the house and looks up to see Kitty waving she gives a quick wave back and hops into her car. She drives to the end of the drive and breaks down into tears. She had seen the sketch that Kitty started and didn't want to break down in front of Kitty. Brielle crossed her arms over the steering wheel and placed her forehead on her arms. She bawled and hiccuped as she cried.

Ketan felt Brielle leave but then felt the car stop moving and her presence staying in one spot. He put down what he was picking and told Samuel he would be back in a moment. He traveled fast to the car and slowly approached. He could hear her crying and it broke his heart. He opened the door and hugged Brielle.

Brielle froze when she felt herself being embraced. "W-why are you here?"

"Sorry, I was going to leave you alone but you stopped while leaving I thought maybe you were hurt so I came to check up on you. I didn't think that I would find you in tears. If you want I will go." He let her go and started to walk away.

Brielle grabbed onto the hem of Ketan's shirt and didn't say anything for a short while. "Sorry, I-I don't know why I did that." She let go of his shirt.

Ketan got into the passenger's side door and sat down. "If you would like me to stay I will stay until you are ready to leave."

"Thank you." Brielle sat in the car with Ketan in silence.

Kitty sat down on the couch and smiled slightly, "fate works in funny ways." She laid down and lightly napped.

Leo had gotten on his flight that he booked while John had been driving. He got out of the truck then waved and rushed to the VIP to check-in. The pilot came and got Leo to tell him that he was ready to take off. Leo climbed into his private jet and relaxed a little. He closed his eyes and dozed. When the plane landed and was ready for him to disembarked The pilot came and woke him up. Leo got up and left the plane. He made it to the front doors and found the long term parking he hit the unlock button and found his sleek black epic black Marussia. He climbed in and took off to the headquarters.  He reached the front of the association headquarters in an hour. Leo parked his car in his parking spot the went into the building. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.comfor visiting.

"Good afternoon, hunter Leo. I wasn't expecting you back from your vacation so soon but I was informed that you would be arriving. The Elder is in his office waiting for your arrival," the receptionist informed Leo and slightly bowed showing her respect to Leo.

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