Unknown Prey

Chapter 153 153 Another Dream

"WHAT!!!! You are fucking crazy? Kitsune, do you know what you just said to me?! You can't mean to stay that the reason Ketan got saved was just because your partner is a hunter? You have got to be kidding me. You have to explain it to me!" Sylvie was about to freak out some more, "you know what, I will be there in a moment."

"No worries I am in the greenhouse on the property and your dear brother is here with me." Kitty hung up the phone.

Ketan shivered and looked at the closer phone. "She might try to move you away from this place. You do realize that?"

"Do you think that I will leave willing? I am quite happy here and besides, I am in the least amount of danger here." Kitty picks up the bag of seeds and slowly starts to plant them in the ground. She hears the door open but ignores it and continues to plant the seeds. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.

Sylvie rushes to Kitty's side and hugs her. "I am so concerned for you Kitsune. If I know you wouldn't do anything dangerous at this time but I still think that it is not safe for you here."

Kitty plants the last of the flower seeds and places her hand on the ground and in her mind she chants, 'Thy is the beginning of a life, come forth and flourish and bring about the light and bloom to remind us of those have passed on from this life into the next.' The flowers start to sprout from the ground. "Sylvie I am not leaving. This is my home now and no one would suspect that my Darling has a hunter. Nor would the hunters expect that he would be hiding a demon at his house."

Sylvie watches the flowers bloom. "It is truly tragic on what has happened to you and your clan. I feel bad for each and every one of your people. I am sorry that I couldn't help you out more." Sylvie let's go of Kitty and then grabs Ketan and flips him on the ground. "YOU ON THE OTHER HAND!" she pins him to the ground.

"Ambrosia, please stop. I didn't mean to locked away. I was going to return after a short walk. Little did I know that I was a target to be captured. I got locked into a cellar with no way out. I lived off rats for a month. Do you think that was enjoyable for me? You can only imagine what would happen if I got a partner. She would literally suffer from having too much blood and I would suffer because of my thirst. I will not do that and will not bring her into this world." Ketan doesn't realize the slip of tongue until it's already out there.

Kitty stood up and froze the ground. "I think the both of you need to calm down. RIGHT NOW!"

Sylvie releases Ketan and sits on the ground. "I'm sorry Kitsune, I just so worried about him and he is the last one without a partner. I can't control myself. I want to know who this her he spoke of is though. It is the first time that Ahriman has mentioned a girl and I must know if she will be the one to change his mind?"

"I won't do it. Ambrosia, I won't do it to an unwilling person. I will let the human live out her life I do not want to change her. I have yet to tell her everything and I do not think you will approve of her anyways." Ketan looks at Kitty shaking his head.

"I have to agree with Ketan now is not the time to think about a partner for your brother. I need his help to safeguard me. I am going to have to make an appearance at the association as the ambassador of the supernatural in roughly two months time. A lot has happened and a lot quicker than anyone thought that it would. I doubt that some of the supernaturals even know who I am but I have a few new beings reach out to me and our circle is slowly but steadily growing. I gained a witch, warlock and werewolf by being here in this household. I do not know who else will join the cause but if they are supernatural I will welcome if they desire peace. You both should know that is how I am." Kitty looks between the two. "Let's go inside so I can drink some tea." Kitty walks away and the ice melts and evaporates.

Sylve walks behind Kitty, "I understand what you are saying, Kitty. It is just hard to believe. I had a person who was looking for you try to enter our forest two weeks ago. They left a letter for you so I would like to hand it to you. I guess they know about our connection."

Ketan stays quiet and hopes that while his sister is here Brielle doesn't show up or call. 'I can deal with seeing her but not touching her. I do not want her to meet my demon sister and I do not want my sister to find out that the girl that has piqued my interest is a hunter. That will not go over well.'

Kitty went to the kitchen and grabbed a teapot and a cup but as she is standing there her vision clouds. Instead of fighting her dream she lets it run its course. She sees that a house is on fire and that a family is massacred but also sees the Brielle and Will are on the verge of death. She looks around the surrounds and sees that it is a place surrounded by wheat. 'It is not normal to dream so many dreams. This must mean that something bad is going to happen. I must inform Leo right away.' the dream doesn't fade as fast as it normally would so Kitty walks around and comes face to face with a deranged Vampire and it jumps to attack her. She is finally jolted from the vision.

Sylvie catches Kitty ss she collapses from the dream. Sylvie picks up Kitty and carries her to the couch.

"This is not normal. From what I have gathered since being here this is her second vision in the last week." Ketan followed his sister to the living room. He took Kitty's phone and called Leo. "Leo, this is Ketan, not Kitty." He says this as soon as the call goes through.

"What's going on?" Leo had been sorting through the hunts for an hour now and was almost done inputting the information when he saw Kitty calling him.

"As I am sure you are aware of Kitty has the dreams but never have I seen her have more than one dream in a month. She experienced another one just now but is out cold. We have her laying on the couch at the moment."

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