Unknown Prey

Chapter 155 155 Burning to be Safe

"I was told that I could get nice fresh blood from the people that would be showing up here. It is rare to drink the blood of the young one and I must admit I wanted a taste. Your heartbeat is so strong I thought you would be the best of the bunch. I didn't even hear the vampire you had with you." The deranged vampire says this and fear clouds his eyes.

"Who told you that there would be targets that you could get here?" Leo pulls out a cigar and lights it up. He blows the smoke out and watches as the vampire tries to struggle.

"I-I wasn't told a name." He starts to show his panicked face.

"I thought I told you not to lie. If you're hungry, why don't you have a taste of your prey." Leo smokes the cigar and watches as Ketan looks giddy with excitement.

Ketan bites down hard and starts to drink the blood. 'Let's read your blood memories.' Ketan slowly drinks the blood and starts to read the memory of him getting a call on a payphone. He hears the voice telling him all the excitement he could have and all the blood he could drink. He could feel the vampire's lust and desires clearly. At the end of the call the person says I expect great things from you and the deranged vampire replied back. I will not let you down, Valdis. Ketan stops drinking the blood and snaps the vampire's neck.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.

"I hope you got the information we are looking for?" Leo looked down at the dead vampire.

"I want him burned. He is a menace to society. I can not stand vampires like him. It has been a while since I got to taste another vampire's blood like that. I did get your information. It seems like a guy named Valdis orchestrated this situation. I got it from his direct memories. Blood holds memories and you can see the memories while drinking the blood if you have royal blood." Ketan dropped the body on the floor and wiped his lips off but missed a spot.

Brielle opened the door to the house and turned on the lights, she made her way to the living room. Leo? Ketan? What are you two doing here…." Brielle looks down at the body and then back at Ketan whose eyes were still red, she walked up to him and pulled out a tissue from her pocket and wiped the blood that reminded on his face. "I think I understand what happened but aren't you supposed to be protecting Kitty?"

"I pulled him away from those duties as Kitty was the one who told me that you would all die if I didn't come here." Leo smoked the cigar.

"Well, that was at least what she hinted towards. She barely said anything but Leo is good at piecing the words together. I am here under Kitty's direct orders. She is not unprotected as my sister is with her. I trust my sister as much as I trust Kitty. So she will be safe. I did something that I haven't done in a while." he looked at the body and scoffed.

"Since this safe house has been compromised, I will relocate you guys to my private property in Belize. The little one will do better there than here." Leo dug out his keys and then called the airport to settle the flight. "My overseas places have clear camera activity and you guys will be safe there. Please protect the family. We will deal with the body and you guys can enjoy the sun. Will, you can bring Sam with you. Give her a call and I will arrange my private jet to take her there."

Ketan took his eyes off Brielle and picked up the body. He walked out the back door and set up a fire pit. Once the fire was hot enough he tossed the body on the raging fire. 'With her away from m,e I won't feel the want to drain her blood as strong.'

Brielle almost followed Ketan out of the house then turned around and went back to the front of the house to let the family know that they would not be able to stay here. 'This is ridiculous. I will go and enjoy my vacation mission.'

Will texted Sam. ~So my job location has changed and I am allowed to bring you with me. So pack up the essentials and go to the airport. Leo will be flying you to Belize to stay with me while I work. Go to the airport and Leo will have everything set up for you to get a flight there and you will meet one of my coworkers. I think this might be a good time to explain what exactly my work entails.~ Will closed his phone. "I let Sam know. I will also go over what our job entails to her once she arrives. Will you be able to get back and how did you even get here before us?"

"For now just know that I was able to get here before something tragic happened and you guys are alive because of my fiance. I still have a lot of paperwork to do." Leo continued to smoke his cigar.

Ketan watched the body as it burned. Once the body had completely turned to ash and the flame went out, did he begin to calm down. 'I hate vampires like that. They do not think about anything but themselves. At least his blood was decent and a good meal. Even though I was not all that hungry, to begin with, but I want the humans to leave this place as I saw that he has friends that are on the way here and I do not want Kitty's dream to come true. She is already suffering enough as it is and she doesn't need this on her plate as well.' Ketan walked back inside and looked at Leo, "can we get the humans out of here now. I do not want them to get injured."

Leo looks at Ketan and notices that he is not completely focused. "Ketan? I will send them away now and it will just be just yourself and I left. I will not allow you to stay behind and you are supposed to bring me back to my office. Will you and Brielle can leave now and Ketan and I will clean up the mess that is left behind. I want that family to be safe."

"Yes, Sir. We shall leave now and take the family to safety. I will not let them die." Brielle bows then glances at Ketan before leaving the building.

Ketan watches her actions but doesn't change his expression. 'I will turn off what I feel for you.'

"Alrighty I will take off as well and we shall talk another day. Leo, please stay safe you are needed by more than just one individual." Will pats Leo on the shoulder and then goes out the front door.

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