Unknown Prey

Chapter 158 158 Battle Against Cliff

Leo watched where the vampire was looking but couldn't hear nor see where exactly the vampire was looking. 'There shouldn't be anyone else in the house that has a heartbeat.' Leo charged Cliff and tried to slice through his arm.

Cliff saw through this move and then grabbed Leo's wrist and quickly crushed it. Leo's sword dropped from his hands, he quickly jumped back and had his back against the wall. "You humans create such interesting weapons I must say." Cliff picked up the sword and tossed it back to Leo. "You should keep your weapon close to you but it's not like it will matter much." Cliff walked slowly towards Leo stepping over the dead bodies.

Leo picked up the sword and clicked the button to change the sword into a sword one-handed sword. He held the sword in his good hand. He watched the vampire named Cliff approach him. "Did you lose a loved one to the hunters and that is why you hate us so much?"

"I loathe the likes of you hunters. I want to kill you all. The advocate is trying to unite the supernatural and the humans but the humans will not like the fact that we are stronger than them and that we live longer. So the peace they are trying to obtain will be short-lived. I would rather kill the source of the issues than getting limited-time peace." Cliff stops in front of Leo and watches as Leo's expression darkens. So he whispers in Leo's ear, "if I get my way then I would kill the advocate with my own two hands."

Leo's rationality goes out of the window and wildly swings his sword at Cliff. Leo takes a few swings and his aim gets more and more precise with each swing. On the third swing, Leo manages to slice Cliff's chest that quickly hisses shut as the wound was too shallow.

"I see that I found your trigger you know the Advocate personally. Then this is the perfect moment." He finally got tired of the game and grabbed Leo by the neck and pinned him to the wall. He felt Leo's sword stab into his left lung. He tightened his hold on Leo's neck then tossed him to the side. Cliff pulled the sword from his body and sank it into Leo's left knee.

Kitty who was upstairs was listening to the battle below. She came down the stairs and watched Ketan killing the vampires so she sneaked past him and walked slowly to the kitchen. One deranged Vampire came after her she touched the vampire and he burst into flames. "I do not have the time to deal with you." She muttered quietly and then entered the kitchen. She saw the vampire stab Leo in the knee. She rushed into the room.

Cliff hopped off Leo and turned to see a fox demon. "My, my what do we have here. The tasty treat has arrived." He rushed to Kitty and grabbed her hand and his fangs inched towards her hand.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.

"I would advise you against drinking my blood. You will not be able to handle it. Ahriman when you are done come here!" Kitty didn't try fighting the vampire and instead just stood there.

"You're not a very fun prey. Not even trying to fight me off but no matter I will do as I please." Cliff brought his fangs down on the palm of her hand and sunk his fangs into her flesh. Her blood pooled into his mouth and he drank the first few mouthfuls greedily before letting her go and stepped backwards. "What is that? It's not normal."

Kitty shook her head, "it is a pity you didn't listen to me in the beginning. I tried to warn you not to drink my blood."

Leo struggled to sit up and looked at her shocked, "you shouldn't be here. Kitty you are supposed to be with Sylvie."

Ketan entered the room and watched the vampire start to lose his mind. "Shit. I know I wasn't hearing things. Kitty, you are a fool. You should've stopped him from drinking your blood. He's just an average vampire."

Kitty shrugged and walked to Leo. "Darling, sorry that I arrived late." She sat down on his lap and kissed him on the lips. She no longer had to chant the healing spells and just thought about how she wanted Leo's body to heal.

Leo felt his body heat up and felt the wounds reversing. Unable to talk he kissed her back and once his body was healed he lifted her off of himself. Leo picked her up as he stood up then sat her down on the floor. He could feel her powers coursing through his body. He picked up his sword.

Cliff felt the blood flood his system and then his body stopped moving and cooperating. He was frozen in place and the only thing he could do was move his eyes. He looked at the human that was now healed by fox demon and then noticed that where the vampire had cut Leo was showing the mark of a demon. 'Shit, I fucked up. I didn't think that a human who seemed human would be a marked demon.' The blood slowly turned the vampire to dust.

Leo stopped approaching and watched as the vampire died. He pushed a button and the sword turned back into a metal rod. He turned back to Kitty who was staring at him with her duel colored eyes. He kneeled down and kissed her hand and licked the bite mark left behind. "Thank you for coming but you should've stayed where you would be safe. How did you get here?"

Ketan stared at Kitty's eyes, "no way, you broke the first few seals. That is dangerous. You shouldn't break anymore unless you don't want to stay living as a normal being."

"Ahriman, I will be fine. I just will no longer be able to revert back to my haman state and I will have to get used to the new eye color. I saw my reflection in the mirror. I did not know that my abilities would unlock this fast and neither did we think that it would happen anytime soon. I got a lecture from Sylvie already," Kitty sighed.

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