Unknown Prey

Chapter 163 163 First letter for Kitty

Ketan froze, then stood up and walked to stand next to Kitty. "Ketan, the new bodyguard of the household. Young werewolf."

Kitty giggled, "Luke you just got back and you are already asking so many questions. The baby is healthy and I was doing well. Ketan is an old friend of mine and he will be able to protect the household which is why Leo hired him. There was nothing too drastic that has happened while you were gone but I do have a story from my past that I will share with everyone later. Also, I look forward to seeing what you have sketched."

Luke's eyes go wide as the person standing next to Kitty had addressed him as a werewolf. "How do you know that?"

Carlos looked at Ketan again and had a look of confusion on his face.

Cindy walked through the door. "Ketan, where is Sylvie? If you are here then she must be nearby as well. It is good to see you again after such a long time." She stopped next to Carlos and smiled.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.

Carlos looks down at Cindy and sees that she is relaxed, "a supernatural that can keep up with a werewolf. Could I trouble you to spar with me sometime?"

Chuckling Kitty looks at Carlos, "I'll allow it but you won't win Carlos. You would struggle for a long time but with his powers, you would lose every time Carlos. I wouldn't wager that you could win. Your strength is admirable but he has lived longer than we have and it is a known fact that there are only a few beings that could top a vampire."

Ketan smirked at Kitty's words, "but sparing with a werewolf would be fun. I won't hurt him as he is the one that will feed you but it would be a friendly match. As for how I knew werewolves have a distinct scent and you carry that scent with you. Cindy, it is good to see you as well. Sylvie is at home at the moment but she may come back to visit now that she knows about where Kitty and myself are."

Cindy looked closer at Kitty and walked closer to look into her eyes. "Your eyes are no longer normal. Is it permanent or will you be able to change them back to a solid color again?"

"Since Kitty approves, it is settled." Carlos followed Cindy and looked at Kitty's eyes in shock. "Wow, that really is unique. I never have seen your eye colors like this before."

Luke looked up and saw the coloring, "wow. It's so beautiful. I love how the deep sea blue-green is swirled with silver but what does it mean?"

"If I had an answer I would tell you but I will explain what I know when Leo comes back tonight." Kitty then walks back to the dining room. "Carlos you will notice that you are short one pan. There was an incident and the pan had to be disposed of. I have ordered you a new set of pans."

"NOOOOOOOO. Not my cookware! Who dares defile my sacred grounds? I hope that person does not set foot in my kitchen again!" Carlos takes off into the kitchen and starts to inspect everything.

Cindy laughs and follows Carlos into the kitchen and watches him.

Luke followed Kitty and shook his head. 'As much as I like Carlos. He is a freak when it comes to his kitchen.' He shook his head, "Ketan, if you are a vampire then what will you do for food? I won't let you fed off my Mother."

"Do not fret young one. I mostly fed off the blood of animals and not humans. Kitsune's blood would drive me crazy if I had to drink it. I would rather kill a deer than taste her blood again. I say again as it was in the past that I tasted her blood." Ketan sat down across for Kitty and Luke.

"Luke, you do not have to worry. My blood is like a deadly poison for the vampires and I use it as a threat to keep him in line. He was saved by Leo under my request. He is from a clan that wants peace and since most of the vampires have their better half chosen they will not attack just anyone." Kitty watches Ketan nod his head, "I am curious about how the trip went and for you to show me your sketches."

"OH, YES! Jaxson asked me to ask you to give him a call sometime soon. He was super friendly. I learned all about my family. It was pleasant to hear how many lives my parents saved. There were so many werewolves there. I was quite surprised. They all said that it was a blessing that at least I survived. Since Leo is a hunter they were surprised and now most of them are on board if we become united." Luke digs through his backpack and hands an envelope to Kitty. "This is from Jaxson."

Kitty took the letter and sets it next to her plate. "I will read the letter later. Luke when you see Leo later you must congratulate him. He has officially been granted the head of the hunter association. It happened the day before yesterday and caught everyone by surprise. It has happened sooner than expected and that is why Leo is not here today. I know that he will be busy with the transition but I also trust that he will make it home. There are some important papers that need to be brought here."

"I understand. It is too bad that Leo is not home but I hope that everything goes well. With that being said that also means that he is one step closer to the dream. I remember him muttering in the past that he needed to find the Advocate but wouldn't that be you. Kitty?" Luke pulls out his sketchbook and places it down. He slowly flips to the first animal.

Ketan smiles, "I notice that you call Leo, Leo and yet you will call Kitty Mother. Is there a reason for that?"

"I am indeed the Advocate and Leo and I talked about what we should do. We want to wait for the baby's arrival but if something happens and we need to speed up the process then I will go to the association. I would like to have complete control over my powers but if I don't then Ketan and Sylvie will be stuck guarding me while I am there. It would be best to keep you hidden for the time being. I do not want harm to come to you as you were a target that was supposed to die in the past and for you to show up with Leo would be rather bad." Kitty smiles sadly then continues to eat her breakfast that she didn't finish.

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