Unknown Prey

Chapter 165 165 First Meeting 1

"You are going to be a wonderful leader. I always knew that you would be able to lead this association to bigger and better things. I trust you Leo and I will help you out in any way that I can. I may not be the head anymore but I still have a hold over the association. I doubt people will fight the change and you said that most of the bigger oppositions have been dealt with. I have faith in your abilities." Asurlon stands next to the desk and watches the screen as it finishes. "It is rather satisfying seeing the hunt list so small."

"I am going to be cutting the hunts and going on a more monitoring base. I think that the supernaturals that will act out will be the ones to cause problems and when they do, I will have the hunters step in but the ones that do not cause problems will be left alone. I will be discussing this with Kitty to see how she feels about this as I can not make those choices on my own. I want and need her input on this but for now, I will do what I can." Leo saw the last hunt get assigned.

"Yeah, I can understand how you feel. It is not an easy task to take over but the audience was well received last night and I took note of those that you may need to watch out for but there were only a few names. Do you need those names right now?" Asurlon smiled and patted Leo's shoulder.

"Asurlon you should relax instead of worrying about this. I also took note of the names as well. Those individuals have been granted the hunts and I will make sure that they get the hunts that they want to do. There are some that do this for revenge. I can understand their feelings. It is was what I wanted for my family but it was caused by a hunter and not a supernatural. Which will be a point in my meeting. That even humans can be corrupt and can be the cause of death. I have been looking over some old cases that were made to look like supernatural attacks but they turned out to be done by humans. I would like for that to stop. Shall we head to the meeting room? I want to get everything all set up."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.readwn.com for visiting.

Asurlon got up and chained the doors, "I will follow your lead. I am your temporary your helper until you gain your help back. Also, while you are dealing with the birth of your little one I will stand in for you. So let me do what I can to help you out for now."

"Alright, that will work well for me as I am still setting up my foundation. I want to do everything I can to take over the association in the right way. I do not want any loose ends to come back and bite me in the ass." Leo walked to the passageway and entered his code. The door slid open, Leo carried his laptop and two stacks of files. The files he was going to bring home had been hidden away in the office and wouldn't be able to be found without Leo's fingerprint.

Asurlon followed Leo through the door and relaxed while thinking about how he took over and how long he had been working for the company. He thought back at the time when his wife had passed away and it was Leo that watched over the association for him. 'I want to be with you soon my love but there are still some things that I need to take care of here on this earth. Once they are dealt with we can be reunited once again. I promise that I will come after everything is said and done.'

Leo opened the way into the conference room and then connected his laptop to the screen on the wall he set his papers up by his desk and then started running through the program on the screen to make sure that everything was in working order. Slowly the hunters began to gather in the conference room. Berry sat next to Asurlon as they were the oldest members of the board. All the chairs were filled except for Valdis's chair. Leo didn't care what excuse he would bring but waited until he showed up before beginning.

Valdis showed up to the meeting right on time but noticed that he was the last one to arrive, "it seems to be that I am the last one here but I am still on time."

"Thank you for all of you coming here today. I appreciate that you guys are eager to see what changes I may have in store for the association. First, I would like to say that I have completely redone the system to assign hunts. It is better, quicker, and more secure than the old system." Leo clicks on the screen and shows the hunters the new system. "All hunters will get a notice later today but it is random so they could get a hunt or a watch target. Those that are hunt only will of course be assigned a kill target but as we cooperate with the supernatural the hunt list will go done. The system has new firewalls in place and this system will not be accessed by anyone without the proper authorization. So that means no one here can alter it besides myself and Asurlon. I do not want a repeat of what happened while I was on vacation and an entire town got attacked without any authorization from the head of the association."

Berry raises his hand, "Sir, I was wondering if you will allow others if they prove themselves to you?"

"Yes, Berry. If you can prove yourself to me as a trustworthy individual I will allow them access to the system but for now, I want to see who I can trust. I know that the laws have been a little lax over the years but I will be reinforcing punishments that are fitting and that does not mean I am saying Asurlon did not do a good job he was an amazing individual that did the same job for far too long and it takes a toll on a person. With that being said are their any questions on how the new hunt system will work?" Leo looked around at the table.

A hunter raised his hands, "Sir, is it possible for someone to request to only watch a prey rather than being the one to hunt them?"

"If anyone wishes to volunteer to do that I will gladly enter their names to only be on the watch duty. I will not make someone that wants watch duty to hunt and vice versa if someone only wants to hunt I will not make them do watch duty." Leo smiled at the hunter. "If anyone wants that they can simply email me and I will gladly update it in the system."

Valdis frowned and pulled out his phone. "When will the alerts be going out?"

"The first set of alerts are already out there are some that won't get anything as I do not want everyone to go out on the hunts but you Valdis will not be getting anymore hunts at all." Leo picked up the first folder and handed the papers to Asurlon.

Asurlon took the papers and started to hand them out to everyone here at the table.

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