Unknown Prey

Chapter 17 16


Leo grabbed her hand and kissed it. "You're right. I didn't want to give you up so I searched for what felt like an eternity. Your move was already determined when we met, wasn't it?" Leo looked down at Kitty. 'I couldn't hurt her even if I was ordered to, but I can't escape my past.' Leo was no longer sure if he made the right call in hunting her down. He now risked not only her safety but the baby's safety. "Kitty…" Leo hugged Kitty gently "Get some rest. I'll be here when you wake up. We'll talk more then."

"My move was already predetermined. There was no way around it." Kitty yawned and looked up at Leo. "Thank you, Leo." Kitty closed her eyes and passed out. Her soft gentle breathing clearly showed that she was asleep.

Leo got out of bed, picked up his suitcase, and opened it up in the kitchen. 'A fox demon. The information on them is very minimal indeed' He pulled a thick book out of the bag and flipped to the single page of information they had. 'Fox demons blend with humans the best. No one can expect them to be living real creatures. The only time one can catch a fox demon is when they are with child.' Leo stopped reading and went to the bar in the room and pulled out the whiskey and poured a drink. 'Can a baby be born from a human and demon?' Leo looked back at the room. He took his drink to the couch where he sat down and read until she awoke.

Kitty woke up about an hour later and walked out to the living room. "This is where you were Leo." She smiled and came and sat down next to him. "Research about our situation won't do much good." She looks at the old books on the table. "Unless your books have more information than the detailed rosters back at my place."@@

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