Unknown Prey

Chapter 181 181 Far in The Past 2

Carlos heard what Cindy said and kept his eyes on her and then touched her cheek as if to say that he didn't mind that she was older.

Cindy smiled and then listened to Ketan's story. Cindy nodded her head, "that makes a lot of sense. Did it take you a long time to control your urges to drink human blood."

"The thing that helped me gain control was the fact that I drank Kitty's blood. Her blood could kill a supernatural easily but since I am not a normal supernatural I did not need to worry about it killing me. The one time I lost control it was Kitty that stopped me from harming anyone. Blood lust hits at the most random times. Drinking the blood of an animal other than a human is as fulfilling and it isn't as morally as wrong. I do not feel that I am doing wrong. The younger the beast the better the blood but we do not hunt those that are not over the age of four in human years but in animal years it converts differently. So that is why four is a good number. The forest around the house has a lot of younger animals as the older ones have been killed off by the younger generation. I will not kill all of the animals in the area but there are some that are threatening the system here so I will take care of that. The biggest thing you need to know is if I go hungry I will not attack any of you. I will feed on those that are willing and now that I have complete control it is easier to stop. As for how often I feed it's usually once a week sometimes more. After I gained control of my thirst by drinking Kitty's blood I decided that I would listen to her and respect her commands. You must realize that is hard for a vampire to decide."

"I see so drinking Kitsune's blood is the way you gained control over a lot of things where others struggled you found a way past that. Do you know if your sister drank Kitsune's blood in the past?" Leo looked at Ketan, "also, I have a job that I want you to do for me. I will need you to take me to several locations in the morning tomorrow Also, Carlos and Cindy will need to stay here. I do not want Kitty to be left on her own. So I will ask that you both stay here with her."

"Kitsune is the reason I have control, which is why I am surprised that my thirst has increased a little bit. I have heard from my sister that when the right person comes around there is a chance that the thirst increases. I refuse to gain a partner. So I will not worry about this and I will continue to drink the blood of animals. As for my sister I do not think that she has as Sylvie has had the same partner for over a hundred years already." Ketan said that to Leo as if he knew that something was being planned behind his back.

"Won't it be lonely living all that time without your chosen one though? What if you found someone that was your perfect match. Wouldn't you feel sad that you lost the person that could've been the one that keeps you company?" Luke looked at Ketan with all the questions in his eyes.

"I would have to agree with Luke. It would be sad that you have found the perfect partner and chose to do nothing. Wouldn't you want to keep them safe with you for the rest of your lives? I know that I would like to do that. If I found the one that was my meant to be a partner I would do anything to keep her by my side even if that meant that I would have to change her into a werewolf only take make her life last as long as mine." Carlos glances at Cindy and smiles. "Leo, I will do as you asked and stay in the house tomorrow. I do not have anything pressing that needs to get done anyway."

"Leo I will also stay home and watch over Kitty." Cindy looks at Carlos and smiles, "I do think that it is romantic but I can see where Calos is coming from. We fox demons only live for one hundred and fifty years old and if we didn't pick a partner we would be all alone for the rest of our lives which is why after our partner passes we do not find it easy to fall in love again. Although is very rare but it can happen. I think that suffering in solitude will do more harm than good. Do not regret that choice you make if you do fall in love. If your partner does pass before you turn her there will not be another like her in the future do not regret the decisions you make now."

Leo Listened to what everyone had to say on the matter. 'I think I get where Kitty is coming from now. Ketan is a coward that does not want to deal with the change but also he does not want to grant the gift of everlasting life. It is alright though I think that with Kitty and Sylvie's plan he may give into temptation. It is going to take a while for it to happen but I think once they are bonded then they will do well. Then again I do not know how Brielle feels about all this.' Leo shook his head, "I will not force you to make a choice but I do feel that it is a little strange that you would deny yourself the right to love but on the flip side it would be hard to bring someone into this dark side of the world and most humans do not know about this way of life."

"Leo understands where I am coming from but there is more than that. I am not used to making such choices. It is hard to make that call. I do not want to frighten the person either and besides, there is a chance that I could be rejected. By the way, another story for you guys. Kitty was visiting us before her seals were locked and she was I think at the time was six years old. I was still a rogue idiot but I met the little girl and Kitsune was a shy little thing at the age of six. She ran and hid behind Linda's skirt. Linda had to bribe her to come out. Kitsune tripped and almost fell so I caught her and that was when she called my true name for the first time. Her little voice said Ahriman and her mother looked at her sharply and took her from my arms. Linda turned to me and said 'I'm sorry about that. She is not used to meeting supernaturals yet and for some reason, she can read the true names of those that are natural born.' It was then that my sister and the little girl started trying to go to Sylvie. 'Ambrosia I want to see Ambrosia. Momma let me go' She reached her arms out to my sister and my sister took Kitty in her arms. Sylvie hugged Kitty and said to her 'Kitsune, the big bad male vampire didn't do anything to you did he?' The little girl giggled and snuggled into Sylvie's embraced. I remember saying to her at that time 'I did nothing wrong but that the kid merely said my true name and I saved her from falling.' I remember Sylvie narrowing her eyes at me and then checking with the girl that what I had said was true. I saw the little girl nod her head and say 'Ahriman caught me. Is he a bad guy?' Her eyes were so innocent at the time and all my sister did was laugh and then finally told the little girl 'No, that is my brother. If you ever need help you can always rely on one of us and we will help you out.' The little girl reached her hands out to me so I took her in my arms. 'Thank you for saving me, Uncle Ahriman.' At that point, the little girl kissed my cheek. That was my first meeting with the fox demon Kitsune. When she was young she kept her true self hidden but with my sister, she looked like a fox demon." Ketan looked around at those at the table.

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