Unknown Prey

Chapter 188 188 Parting Ways

"You know that my marriage was arranged by my family but I do love her Leo. I grew up taking care of her and I will continue to care for her. So you do not need to worry about her so much but I will take care of her and if something happens I will let you know. If need be I will ask you for your help." Noah watched the door from the corner of his eye and sighed when she didn't come back into the room.

"Alright, I will leave her in your capable hands. I know that I can trust both of you but the second that something happens, contact me before it is too late. I do not want to hear about something happening before I can come to help you guys." Leo hangs up the phone and pinches the bridge of his nose.

Ketan followed Leo outside and waiting for the phone call to be over. "You are only going to stress yourself out more. Is there something that I can help with?"

"If I could send you there I would but those hunters are top of the line and with that come bearing gifts of horrible news. I will get the target to be placed in my dungeon and give you access to the room but I want to be able to be there. I worry that I am taking you away from the house for too long. I know that for the most part that other vampires can not move during daylight hours but we must make it home before dark so we will take Carlos with us so that we can finish much quicker." Leo opened his eyes and look at Ketan.

"I will call my sister to come over. She may be a bit weak but if Sylvie and Emerson are here than I feel more at ease I will be back." Ketan fades into the day and goes back to his home.

Leo watched as he fades away and then heads back inside. When he reaches the dining he looks at Carlos, "Carlos, I need you to come with me this afternoon. I don't like that I am taking almost all the males out of the household but it must be done. I would take Luke but I would prefer that you stay home and protect those that are in the house."

"Where did Ketan go?" Kitty watched Leo stiffen.

"I went to get my sister and Emerson. I refuse to leave you guys without more firepower against the supernatural. You can not argue with me because if you use too much of your powers you will break more seals and then you will suffer greatly. Sylvie will be here in an hour. Her and Emerson were relaxing when I went and asked them to come so I gave them a rundown of what we needed to do." Ketan sat down and watched while the others ate their food.

"Carlos be careful where you step when you go with them there is a chance that they have hidden traps in the houses you will be going to. Ketan will not die easily but you on the other hand are more likely to die so do be careful. Luke today you and I will go and work on the nursery some more." Kitty shoots a look at Carlos that shows that she knows that he will get injured.

Luke ate his food a little faster. "I would like to move something in there temporarily. So once I am done eating I will do that and once it is there I will get you to come in and see what I have added for your mother." Luke glances at Leo and nods his head.

Leo sighs then sits back down and starts to eat a bit of food. 'That call is seriously bothering me. I can not believe that they are already thinking about attacking my dear sweet Kitsune.' Leo clenched his hand into a fist and stopped eating.

Kitty had finished eating and was worried that Leo was thinking about what was going to happen today. She reached her hand over and touched Leo's hand. His memories of the phone call flowed into her. She was shocked and got up off her chair and leans down and gave him a hug instead of speaking out loud she sent a telepathic message to Leo. ~Darling, I am safe right now you are making the right calls. I know that this is hard but I promise that if something were to happen I will pop myself out of harm's way and go to Sylvie's house on my own. I will not let anything happen to our baby. The baby has a long life ahead.~

Luke stopped eating and watched Kitty and noticed that they were having a silent conversation and he wondered what was going on and why Leo seemed so troubled?

~Love, it is not easy to leave now that something could happen while I am away. I do trust that you will be safe but what about the others? I know that you will do what you can but do call us if something bad happens. I Love you and I want to be with you for as long as our time will allow it.~ Leo reached up and patted her arm that was wrapped around his neck.

Cindy watched the two and turned to Carlos, "What was on the lunch menu? Can you tell me so that I may cook lunch and I will get dinner started as well so that when you get home you will have something warm to eat."

"I will leave you a detailed itinerary if you need help just ask Kitty to help you. I know that she can at least cook and not burn down my kitchen." Carlos looks at Kitty and Leo and then gets up and heads to the kitchen and leaves a detailed list of everything that he was planning on cooking. 'It seems like Leo is stressed and worried about something. It most certainly has to do with Kitty. I know that he will need me to go with him so I hope that they will be safe here.'

Cindy finished eating, picked up her dishes, and went to the kitchen. She walked up to Carlos who was writing and saw the detailed list of food. "That is quite impressive that you come up with so many meals for a few people. I will cook this, most of what you have on the list is food I already know how to cook. Do not fret, Carlos. I will be safe and if something happens, I know how to get away."

Carlos looked at Cindy, "Sorry, it just throws me off. I am not used to the feelings I have inside I am fretting over nothing. I know that no harm will actually come to you or to Kitty," Carlos sighs, "it doesn't mean that I like having to leave but I understand why he is bringing me. My increased sense of smell will help immensely. So I will go and do what needs to be done."

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