Unknown Prey

Chapter 19 18

Kitty doesn't fight Leo. She shivers in delight and then finally Leo enters her. "LEO." Kitty was unable to move due to being tied up lets Leo dominate her completely. Feeling the rhythmic movements from Leo moving in an out of her Kitty struggles with the belt. Not wanting to break the restraint but also wanting to touch Leo made Kitty feel helpless.

Leo pinned her tied wrists to the bed. "I'm not letting you go." He rasped in her ear. Holding her down he hit her G Spot and Kitty moaned louder than before. He felt her climax. It turned him on even more. He increased his movements and finally felt the tension leave his body and he cummed deep inside of her. He got off of Kitty and untied her hands and brought her body to his so that they were spooning. "Kitty." He said breathing into her hair. "I wanted to see you so bad. I missed you. I don't care that you are a demon. I want you."

Kitty relaxed in Leo's arms. "Will you bear the mark of a demon?" Kitty was looking towards the wall. 'A demon hunter. Can it work or will my mark override the hunter tattoo?' Kitty moved his hands to sit on top of his belly.

Leo was silent when asked this question. 'Bearing the mark of a demon. It would mark me as a target if they ever saw it but, I can't live without Kitty.' He felt the baby move slightly inside the belly. "Will it work? I'm branded a hunter for life." He moved his hands and laid down on his back. One arm pinned under Kitty the other he traced the tattoo on the right side of his body.

Kitty got up on top of Leo. She looked down at Leo. "I want to mark you." Her eyes were silver. Kitty leaned forward and kissed over his heart. She cut the palm of her right using her nails. Her blood started to drip over his heart. With practiced skill, Kitty used the blood to draw the symbol on his chest. She licked her hand and the wound closed up. She leaned over and kissed the symbol finishing her mark. She got dizzy from using her powers again and gently got off of Leo. As soon as she laid down beside him she passed out from the coursing pain going through her body.

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