Unknown Prey

Chapter 190 190 Preparing the Tea

"I was told that the sword was a gift for the one that they planned for me to marry and that I couldn't use my sword unless you had been gifted yours. I think they were supposed to be…" Leo trails off.

"Engagement gifts." Kitty finishes the sentence. She wiped her tears away and looked up at Leo who was standing in front of her. "Thank you for keeping this safe, I will keep it with me for all time."

Leo pulled out his sword and attached the sheath to his pant buckle, "And I will keep mine with me. I will safeguard it until I cease to exist in this world. If my parents went and made these for use that means that they really loved you. My parents had insane blacksmith skills which the association used but they started doing active hunts and my mother was working hard on changing the association. I learned from them how to craft blades and all my throwing knives and needles are made by me but I could not bring myself to craft a sword. I should craft one for Luke now that I am free from the past that I was clinging to. Thank you, dear."

"I didn't do much but I am glad that you gave me the last gift from your mother and father." Kitty held onto the sword closely. While she wiped her tears away. "Take some of your throwing knives and needles with you. You never know when they will come in handy."

Leo opened a drawer and pulled out a few sets of everything and then grabbed a backpack. Leo started to pack it with what could be needed. He opened a drawer with a key that he had kept safe and pulled out a box that his mother had given him before they left to go to that meeting with Kitty. "There is one more gift my mother wanted me to give to you. She said that when you saw this box you would know what it was for." Leo held out the box and placed it in her hands.

Kitty looked at the box speechless. "This… this is the box that she told me about." Kitty opened the box and then took out the key on the chain. "This is an important key. This is the one thing that will help us to end the battle." Kitty placed the key around her neck.

"Do you know what it leads to and what good will a key do for us?" Leo looked at her confused and was even more confused on why his mother left the key to Kitty.

"Sandra is extremely very crafty. She never told you about the plan that she had set into place. There are a few things that I will have to go over with you but we do not have enough time to go over it right now. You have your duties that you need to get done. When you get home, I will tell you why this key is so important and how it will help us out in the future." Kitty touched the chain around her neck and watched Leo continue to pack up for his journey.

"I hate that I do not know everything but you know so much about my family that I didn't know but you spent two years working directly with them and I was kept in the dark for my own safety. I get that but when I get home I will have you tell me everything." Leo finished packing his bag and leaned over and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "If only I still had the day off."

"Darling, you can not let this distract you from what you need to get done. I will be home waiting for you to return back to me. I will tell you all that you did not know about the plans that are in place." Kitty hugged Leo after he kissed her.

"Alright, I will be back before nightfall. I will see you then." Leo leaned down and kissed her one last time before he went downstairs carrying the bag.

"Kitty followed behind him and watched as he walked to Ketan and the three took off. She grabbed the key and held onto it 'Sandra, you did not want it to come down to this but I am sure that you would understand it if I have to resort to the backup plan that we thought of those many years ago.'

Luke walked up to Kitty and saw the necklace and sword. He stayed silent until Leo had disappeared from sight. "Mother are we preparing for battle here?"

Kitty looked over at Luke, "It would be great if there was no war but that is not something that will happen so I think that you should make sure that you always having something by your side to be on the safe side. The times are not safe and I think there is a chance that we could get attacked here. I promised Leo that I would keep this sword on me at all times. This is the final gift that his parents made for us." Kitty stepped outside and pulled the sword from the sheath and watched the sun bounce off the blade. 'Sandra, Robert, you guys created two last masterpieces. I am grateful for this weapon.' She lifted it up and handled it with one hand and she swung the sword down and then back up. 'It is light but if need be I can handle this sword with two hands. Now I know why they asked me if I knew how to handle a sword.' After getting a feel for how the sword works she placed it back in the sheath and walked back to the door.

"Do not push yourself too hard you are still pregnant. I will make sure that I have the poisons made up for you later but you will not handle them until the baby is born." Cindy stared at Kitty.

"Thank you. I will leave that in your care until I am able to handle them on my own once again." Kitty walked past them and went to the kitchen and looked at the counter were the dried herbs were sitting with a note. ~I knew that you would ask for these today so I prepared all that you asked for. Do not overexert yourself. Carlos~ Kitty picked up the herbs and carried them to her room. She placed the sword beside herself and slowly placed the herbs in a row. "Luke, you can continue the sketches while I can do this in the nursery. I am only going to grind these into a tea for Asurlon."

Luke followed Kitty around and kept an eye on her and was standing in the doorway. "A tea? Will it be hard to grind the herbs up?"

"It is not a hard process but rather a long process since I will have to take breaks in between and I have to make sure that the mixture is perfectly balanced and that there is not too much or too little of something." Kitty smiled and saw that there were equal amounts of everything but more of the green tea. 'Thank you, Carlos, for remembering that I would need more of this.' She moved everything back into the bag.

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