Unknown Prey

Chapter 198 198 Poor Tiana

Ketan shook his head and refused to comment on what that was for. "I will comply with your wishes. Tiana, My name is Ketan. I will not hurt you and you will stay with Kitty and Stella. Kitty is the one carrying you right now but she shouldn't be lifting anything too heavy because she has a baby in her belly."

Stella looks at Kitty and then back and is amazed at how that place they were just in was gone and locked away. 'I wonder if I come to look for this place if I would be able to find it again or if it is all locked away for a long time? I think there is more than meets the eye with this individual I do not even know what she is?'

"A baby? Mommy was saying that I was going to have a baby brother but I guess that I will not see them anymore ..." The tears cloud her eyes and she buries her face in Kitty's shoulder.

Kitty shoots a look at Ketan. "It's okay, you can stay with me for the time being. I do not want you to go to a home where you will be unsafe."

Luke caught a few new scents on the wind that blows through the window that was open and he jumped through the side door and bolted towards Kitty and company. He rushed to Kitty's side. "Mother, are you okay and who is this in your arms?"

Tiana lifted her eyes and looked at Luke. Her chocolate brown eyes looked at him with tears at the corner of her eyes. "My name is Tiana."

"Will you come to big brother? I would like Mother to have an easier time. I won't let any harm come to you." Luke held out his arms and watched the girl.

Kitty felt the Tiana wanted to go to Luke so she handed her over to him. "You will be safe with Luke."

Tiana reached her arms out and wrapped them around Luke's neck as she had with Kitty. "Thank you, Luke."

Sylvie grabbed Kitty from behind and transported her back to the room. "If you needed more I would've given you more!"

Kitty looked in her bedroom and turned to Sylvie, "the reason I handed the child over was because I knew you were there. I could not feed on you anymore. You would've died and you know that I am speaking the truth. I can not have you dying on me. I need you still, I only fed from targets that I have been keeping track of or at least Cindy has been keeping track of. You remember that I struggled in the past it was you that suggested that if it wasn't enough then I should follow certain targets and drain them but to make sure that someone else would be there to drink the blood as to not waste anything. My first target I killed but the second I gave to your brother."

Sylvie seethed in anger, "Yes, I did tell you that in the past and you used my own words against me. That girl must be freaking out, let's go downstairs. Emerson please stay up here and relax."

Emerson smiled from the bed and gave a wave, "I will be fine. Go ahead and deal with what you need to deal with."

Kitty opened the door and walked down the stairs only to see Tiana bawling. "Tiana, I am fine. Do not worry." Kitty rushed down the last few stairs and then hugged the little girl.

"I *hic* thought *sniff* that you would never appear again like mommy, daddy, and the baby." Tiana clung to Kitty tightly.

"I wouldn't harm her but I had to make sure that she was okay. She is my responsibility." Sylvie slowly walked down the stairs and her eyes were a deep blood red color.

"Hungry? Is there anything I can do to help, Sis?" Ketan walked up to Sylvie and looked at the color in her eyes.

"Your red is getting paler. Make sure that you keep drinking and do not miss an opportunity to feed on the blood. When she needs you it will be hard. My thirst will fade but you already know that I can not drink another's blood. Normally I would feed him but I can not right now and you know that you can not help him either. Unless you want to kill me in the process." Sylvie does not say anything else.

Kitty pats the girl on the back then takes her hand. "That lady is a friend of mine. You have nothing to worry about. I am safe and she will not hurt me. Sylvie is a good person so dry your tears little one." Kitty took the tissue from Luke and wiped Tiana's face.

Luke looked down at the girl only to feel the need and want to protect this little one then sighed inside. 'I am lucky that she is not afraid of me.' He handed Kitty the tissue. "See, I told you that she was okay. Now come to the dining room with me, we shall go ahead and start eating. I hope that you like macaroni and cheese!"

Tiana nodded her head and finally let go of Kitty's legs, "Can I stay here with you?" She looks up at Kitty and lets Kitty wipe off her face. She grows excited at the food selection.

Kitty held onto Tiana's hand, "Tiana, if Leo lets you stay then I will let you stay but there may be a time where I need you to go somewhere else because I do not want you to be unsafe. I will make sure that you are safe at all times okay, Sweetie?"

Anna walked to the bottom of the stairs, "my oh my. Look at this little cutie pie. I will go and prepare a room. So which should I prepare for this little one?"

"Anna, if you do not mind, could you prepare the room next to mine?" Luke smiled and then walked towards the dining room.

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