Unknown Prey

Chapter 21 20


Seeing her eat brought a smile to Leo's face. "Kitsune. It's a stunning name. I now understand the shortening of your name to Kitty. Is the knowledge of names for most demon races or specifically fox demons? I won't write any of this down I'm merely curious. Wait maybe I shouldn't ask these types of questions given my background." He frowned at himself. 'Knowledge is power but I don't really need to know everything about other races. Old habits are going to hard to break.' He inwardly sighs at himself. "The better questions I do need answers for would have to do with what you mentioned. If your powers are linked to me what does that mean for me? What will happen to me? And when will it happen?" He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

Kitsune finished eating and looked up at Leo. "I will tell you what you need to know but," Kitsune paused and thought of how to word her next statement. "There are certain parts I can't tell you. It would be dangerous with myself being unstable. It's not that I am unwilling or not trusting of you but I have to protect my people. They are my responsibility. I can tell you that once I become stable and my demon blood will override your human blood. You will no longer be human but be what you would've hunted. We will be connected as I am the one who turned you. The good thing is that no one will be able to separate us once I'm stable." She ran her hands over her belly. "I am the most powerful of my clan. I know that won't make sense but please bear with it at least for now." She grabbed onto the robe sleeve and gently pulled. Her hand was slightly shaking.@@

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