Unknown Prey

Chapter 211 211 So Many Clothes

"No, the pain went bye-bye. Daddy said that I brought this to their family and hit my back. It hurt a lot and mommy protected me. I don't think they were my mommy and daddy though. Will you be my new mommy? You are so sweet and I wish you were my mommy." Tiana held up her arms as Kitty slid on the dress.

'Poor girl. I will ask Leo if we can keep her for the time being she will get attached but I am also attached to her. She is such a sweet little girl.' Kitty zipped up the back of the dress and smiled. "Let me ask if you can wear this dress out of the store. If need be I will pay right away." Kitty patted Tiana on her head. She poked her head out, "Excuse me. May I pay for the dress that my daughter is wearing so that I do not need to change her back and forth multiple times?"

A shop worker walked up with a small pair of scissors. "Of course if you will allow me in the room I will cut off the tag and you can come and pay at the end when you are done." She stepped into the room. "Hello Cutie, My name is Janet. Your mommy wants you to stay in the dress so will you allow me to cut the tag off the dress?"

"Please, be careful of Tiana's dress. Mommy said that Tiana can keep this one. Tiana feels like a princess." Tiana places her little hands on her cheeks and acts embarrassed.

Janet cut the tag off, "if you need anymore help please let me know." She left and brought it to the counter. "This is for the little girl and pregnant lady wearing a sun hat.

Kitty held Tiana's hand and took her to Luke, "Look! Does Tiana look pretty?" She did a little spin in the dress.

"As pretty as a princess! Tiana is a little princess." Luke lifted her up and showed her the cart. "These are the dresses we picked out for you."

Tiana looked between the dresses, Kitty and Luke. "So many new clothes. Tiana is so happy. Thank you, Big Brother. Thank you, Mommy." Tiana kissed Luke's cheek and then reached her little arms to Kitty.

Kitty spotted a dress that was definitely too small from Tiana but didn't say anything about it. She took Tiana in her arms and Tiana kissed her cheek. "Yes, all the big dresses are for you. Let's go see what Cindy has found for you, okay?"

"Mother, let's set Tiana in the cart and I will push her around. I do not want you to wear yourself out." Luke reached to take Tiana back to place her in the cart.

"Mommy, Tiana will sit in the cart." She reached her arms out to Luke and Luke lifted her in the cart. "Tiana has a pretty dress will Tiana get new shoes?"

Cindy came to the cart and dumped in pants, shorts, shirts, socks, underwear, and leotards. "I got everything but dresses and shoes. I think that I got the sizing right."

Kitty picked up a set of socks and read the tag and nodded her head. "Yes, thank you for grabbing all of this. Tiana, we will get you some shoes and sandals now." ~Thank you for helping, Stella. I know that you helped prepare some of the dresses and the socks. The ones with bows are adorable. If you want could you pick out some hairpieces?~

Stella looked up and blushed deeply. ~I only wanted to help out as much as I could. I will pick up some hairpieces and give them to Cindy.~ Stella walked to the hair section.

Cindy smiled and walked away to the hair supplies area as well. 'So adorable. I am glad that we all worked together to get this done. Tiana will stay, I do not think that Kitty will let her go.'

Kitty leads the two to the shoe area. Janet was up there and looked at Tiana. "Janet, do you have any suggestions for shoes for Tiana?"

"I am so glad that you asked!" Janet pulled out three different sets of shoes and two pairs of sandals. "These are the shoes and sandals that I recommend." She smiled and then when to another area in the shoes hunting something for the little girl.

Kitty opened the first box and pulled out a black shoe with a strap on top and a black bow at the opening. She took off the shoe Tiana was wearing and tested it on her feet. She noticed that her toes still had enough room so that she would fit in those shoes for a while. "What do you think Tiana?"

Tiana looked at the shoes and smiled so big. "Tiana is soooooo happy, Mommy!"

Luke opened the second box and pulled out a lilac color slip-on sandal that has a fake purple flower in the center. "I think that we can get a few pairs but I think five is a bit much. Tiana will grow out of them before she can even wear them all."

Kitty looked at another dress shoes and set them aside. "Tiana we will buy you the black dress shoes, the purple sandals, and a pair of runners. What do you think?"

"Okay, Tiana loves the purple sandals and the black shoes feel nice on my feet. Can Tiana wear the sandals?" She smiled and gently kicked her legs.

Kitty pulled out the runners that would light up when she stepped down on the heels. "Okay, we will get you the purple sandals, black dress shoes and these runners."

Janet came back and handed Kitty a pink pair of fluffy unicorn slippers. "I was trying to hunt these down they were hidden in the discount rack and these will last for a while. If you want you may let her wear the sandals inside of her shoes."

Luke helped take the black shoe off and started putting the purple sandals on her feet. "You are so lucky Tiana."

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