Unknown Prey

Chapter 214 215 New Dolly

Kitty looked at Luke and smiled. ~I will open this communication. I do not think the ones that she was living with her real parents. I get the feeling that her real parents were attacked and potentially turned. I have of course no proof but I do not think she will be safe anywhere else. So I do not want her out of our sight while in a town where we do not know if she will become a target again. She deserves some happiness. Do you not agree?~ Kitty picked up the big set of Crayons and added them to the cart. Then she saw that there were some scented crayons she picked up the package of eighteen and added them to the cart as well.

Tiana raced back with two different princess books. "Tiana found two princess books! How many more until there are five books?"

Luke smiled and took the books. "You can grab two more books. I hope that you will be happy with the ones that you have found." ~I see, with that logic, it would be better for her to stay with us. You can have someone watched after her while she goes to school…. Is that a reason you are keeping Stella? You think that she will be able to protect Tiana?~

Tiana races away and sees an animal coloring book. She picks it up and continues to look at the books. "If Tiana has one book in her hands she must be able to grab another one. What one should Tiana get?" She puts on a look of full concentration.

~Do you have a better suggestion? I want her to be safe. In our home, she will be surrounded by supernaturals but at least she will be protected. Stella is already attached to the girl. I think it would be a good idea for both of them to bond more. I think that Stella has the right idea of buying some things that Tiana would like to break the ice. I must say watching her like this, I think that she was mistreated in her last household. She is bright but is holding it back. Like right now.~ Kitty flicked her head in the direction of Tiana.

Luke walked over to Tiana and saw that she had three books. "Is it a hard choice, Tiana?"

"Big brother, Tiana wants the animal book, this other princess book and then Tiana found this fairy book. How can Tiana choose?" She showed him the big books in her arms.

"Hmmmm, it looks like your big brother will have to help you out. Mother will pay for two and I will buy you the sixth book. Since you were so good today. I won't do this every time but you deserve a reward from me." Luke reached down and patted Tiana's head.

"Big brother is the best after mommy! Thank you, thank you!" Tiana raced back to Kitty smiling.

"Aren't you lucky Luke is buying you that last book. I heard you thank him. You are such a good girl Tiana. What kind of toys would you like to get?" Kitty saw a box of colored chalk and a small blackboard. She picked up both and added them to the cart.

"Tiana is so Lucky, Mommy! Can we get a tea set and dolly?" Tiana skipped happily and followed Kitty as she walked to the girls' toy aisle.

Kitty held on to Tiana's hand. "Okay, let's go see what they have for you to choose from." Kitty leads her down the doll section and watched as Tiana's eyes lit up.

Luke followed behind with the cart. "There are a lot of options. I think you only need one doll but we can see what type of stuffed animals they have and we can pick some up for the tea party later."

"Tiana will pick the prettiest dolly that she can find!" She quickly looked at the dolls and found one that was beautiful and she went to reach for it but then notice the numbers under the doll and got disheartened.

"Would you like that doll, Tiana? It is very beautiful." Kitty walked up next to her and picked out the doll.

Tiana watched as Kitty picked up and didn't scold her for the price. "Tiana should not ask for something so expensive."

Luke chuckled, "Tiana you like that doll the best right?" he saw her nod, "then that is the doll you will get. Do not worry it is not all that expensive. I think your crayon set cost about the same. Mother isn't going to get mad at you for wanting something that is a little expensive. Especially if you really want it." He patted her head.

Kitty placed the doll in the cart, "okay next is a tea set! I think you made a wonderful choice Tiana. She is amazing and the way the doll is made it will last you a really long time. Treat her like the princess she is" she held out her hand.

Tiana properly took her hand and started walking with Kitty speechless for a moment, "Tiana will take good care of her new dolly. Tiana's dolly comes with extra dresses. Tiana hopes that the dresses are as beautiful as that one the dolly is wearing." Tiana saw a tea set and walked up to the set and instantly hugged it. "It matches Tiana's new dolly."

Kitty smiled, took the tea set, and placed it in the cart. She leads Tiana to the plushies and watched Tiana gasp and let out excited squeals of delight. "Tiana, I will let you chose seven of any plush that you want. Luke will help you count."

Luke chuckled and looked at the plushies. "I will help you and place them in the cart. If you can't reach one I will bring it down for you."

Tiana found a husky plush and handed it to Luke, "this doggie is so fluffy. Tiana loves it." She found a penguin and hugged the plush in her arms. "Big brother this plushie is so big!"

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