Unknown Prey

Chapter 222 222 Dessert Time

Kitty pulled some paper towels and handed it to Tiana. "That is a lovely idea. I am sure that the baby will love you reading her stories. You have a soft but lively voice."

Tiana smiled and took the paper and dried her hands. "Tiana will work hard!!" she threw the paper in the garbage and went to the door.

Kitty opened the door and leads Tiana back to the table. She opened the door to the booth and saw the new pot of tea. "Tobias makes some amazing tea."

Tiana ran back to Luke and hugged his side. "Tiana wants to learn to read. Tiana wants to be able to read to the baby when the baby is born."

Luke picked up Tiana and placed her down in her seat. "Okay, I will teach you to the best of my ability but first you need to finish eating your dinner. I know that you can eat more than that."

Nettie knocked on the door and delivered Kitty's tea set. "Sorry for the delay Kitty. I added something special to the desserts for you today. Also, thank you for your help earlier."

"Nettie, it really wasn't anything much. I am happy that I was able to help you guys out. I have a favor to ask. I need to leave here and go to where Leo. So I will need to go to a different area so that the other patrons do not think that it is odd that I have been left behind." Kitty looks at Nettie.

"Hmmmmm, we can take you up to our quarters and you can be picked up there. I can say that you are resting here while the others go and do more shopping. Also, we can even cast a spell to show that you get picked up and then when you leave the town the illusion will disappear. What do you think?" Nettie looks at Kitty and then at the rest at the table.

"Does Nettie know about everything that is going on yet?" Cindy looked at Kitty and then at Nettie.

"Is there more that I should know or is it something that I do not know yet?" Nettie looks confused at what Cindy has said.

Kitty sighs, "now is not the right time to explain everything but I will explain things when we have a moment to chat later. I am sure that Nettie and Tobias both know that a hybrid is something that is rare."

"A hybrid is extremely rare. Species do not normally cross over but that does not mean that it doesn't happen. That's about all that I know. I have not met one before Kitty and I know that she is extremely powerful. I would like to learn all that I can from her. If there is more I will learn it when the timing is right. I am thankful that you are keeping me in the loop as much as you can." Nettie smiled and watched as the group slowly ate the food.

"Thank you for understanding. I will explain what is going on when I need your help containing my powers. I will come to you when I am ready to leave and please do create the illusion so that we can fool the humans." Kitty smiled and started eating her crepe.

Tiana finished her food and drank her milkshake happily.

Luke had long finished his burger and was eyeing up the stir fry. "Stella, may I really eat that?"

Stella looked down at the plate and picked up a fork and took a bite and then handed the plate to Luke after watching his reactions turn to a look of shocked. "Here you go, Luke. I was only waiting for you to finish so that I could try to tease you a little. It really is quite nice."

Luke chuckled and took the plate. "You shocked me but it should not be much of a surprise since Ketan already told us that vampires can eat food but they normally chose not to eat as it does not provide the nutrients that you need to survive. " He took the plate and moved his empty plate over. He dug into the stir fry. "So good."

Nettie picked up Luke's empty plate and took Tiana's plate as well, "Tiana would you like some ice cream for dessert?"

"Tiana would love ice cream." She looked at the cake that was on the tea set and smiled happily.

Kitty watched the girl and smiled. ~Nettie, is it possible to cut a smaller piece of cake for Tiana? You can add the pieces to Luke's plate. He will be able to eat it.~

"I will be back with your dessert Tiana." Nettie carries the dishes out of the room and goes to the kitchen. ~I will do that. Luke won't mind the extra cake.~ She scooped up two scoops of ice cream into a bowl and then grabbed a small plate and plated a smaller piece of cake on a plate and then added a quick icing design in the shape of a pink flower. She carried the two items back to the table and placed them down in front of Tiana.

Tiana looked at the cake, then at Nettie, then to Kitty and then back at the cake. "Tiana can have the cake?"

Luke chuckled at her reactions and patted Tiana's head, "you can have both desserts. They are in front of you. Leo is buying you dinner you should enjoy what is in front of you. Nettie, I will have the usual dessert please."

Cindy looked at Kitty's tea tower and smiled. Can I please have the strawberry Tart. I am feeling pretty full from my dinner so a small snack is all I will need to fill me up."

"I will order the same but this will be for me and not for Luke. I think it is nice that there are so many options here. I will try all the desserts one day." Stella smiled and looked at Kitty smiling.

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