Unknown Prey

Chapter 232 232 You Will See Her Again

Leo walked towards them and wiped off the blood that was on his body. "Leave the rest of the bodies the hunters will do clean up on this place there is not going to be anything here. This place was meant to be a trap."

"Darling, you are correct this place was meant to be a trap for all of us but especially for me. I would not have left a clan that needed my help. They were trying to use that against me. Which is unfair but what in life is fair?" Kitty got up and looked at Nathan. "Myron, you will be able to see Kyra again but you will need to stay away for a little bit because she thinks you are dead. So you can not show up before her. She is in a frantic state of mind and if you were to appear that would do more damage then good."

"I agree that it would not be wise for me to appear in front of Kyra. With my clan mostly destroyed, what should I do now? I never thought that this would happen so I didn't have anything in place and now that it has happened what do I do?" Nathan looked at Kitty and then at Leo.

Leo looked at the kid and then looked at Carlos, "Carlos, you were hoping to have an assistant in the kitchen, why not take this kid under your wing? Later on when things settle we can introduce you and Kyra again."

Carlos thinks for a moment and then nods his head, "it might not be an ideal situation kid, but I really could use the help and I can test your abilities when you wake up tomorrow morning."

"T-thank you, I am in your debt and I will not let you down. I have helped out in the kitchen here a lot." Nathan got up and was finally smiling.

"Okay, now that everything has all settled. Can we go home and rest? There has been too much that went on today and using my powers is exhausting." Kitty leaned into Leo's arms.

"It will take a few trips to get everyone home, I do not want to bring more than three at a time." Ketan had stopped the flames from burning anymore.

"I will take Leo home. You can deal with Carlos and Nathan." Kitty thought about their room and brought Leo home. "I know we were home only this morning together but the days feel like they are speeding up too much." Kitty lets go of Leo and looks out the window.

Leo walks up behind Kitty and hugs her gently, "it does feel like it has been longer but that is alright. I want to help all those that we can. I do not know if we will get all the information that we need to know, but I know that I will follow you anywhere. I trust and love you."

"I trust and love you too Darling. I am glad that we were able to chat with Sylvie and learn more about her past. She has had a hard time but that goes for every supernatural. Each and every single one of us has had a hard time with everything that goes on." She turned around and stood on her tiptoes to kiss Leo lightly on the lips.

Leo accepted her kiss and kisses her forehead as she when back to her normal height. "I would say get some rest but it seems that Tiana and the others are back now."

The door downstairs opened and Tiana rushed through the door but didn't see Kitty's shoes home yet, "Mommy's shoes are not here at the door. Does that mean we beat Mommy home?"

Luke chuckled, "It depends on where in the house Mother returned to."

Kitty heard then conversation at the door and chuckled. She sat down on the couch and started to remove her shoes.

Leo got down and stopped her from taking off her shoes and he slipped them off her feet, "I troubled you enough today I thought that this is the least that I could do for my sweet fiance. I will do my best to not trouble you tomorrow."

Kitty watched as Leo removed her shoes and she smiled sweetly. "Darling there is nothing that you need to worry over. I would not change what happened today. I took the essence that I needed and it replenished me. I really do need sleep though. So after we greet those that are downstairs I will get ready for bed. Tiana is going to want to show you everything she got today."

Leo smiled and held out his hand to her. Once he helped her take off her shoes, he carried her shoes down the stairs and went to greet the group at the doorway. "Welcome home, everyone."

Tiana rushed to Kitty, "MOMMY! We found the movie and we were able to get the second movie as well. Can we watch the movie tomorrow, please?"

"Yes, we can stay home and watch the movie but forgive me if I fall asleep. I am quite tired right now." Kitty covered her mouth as she yawned.

"Mother, why don't you go rest. I will help bring everything inside." Luke looked at Kitty and then at Leo.

"Yes, Mommy go and sleep. Tiana will help and Daddy will help too?" she looked at Leo hoping that it was okay to call him that.

Leo was speechless when he heard Tiana call him Daddy. He covered his mouth to hide the small smiling expression he had on his face. "I will help you bring everything inside. Will you show me what you got?"

"Tiana will show Daddy! Tiana got so many new things!" Tiana jumped up and then showed Leo the alpaca in her arms.

"Oh, is that an alpaca? What a cute plushie you got there. I see that you are wearing a new dress. It suits you really well. Dear go on upstairs and rest. I will come up after I see all that you guys got today." Leo looked at Kitty with a look of deep concern.

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