Unknown Prey

Chapter 251 251 Time for a Nap

~Wow, that made them jump, keep it up maybe they will leave and not come back.~ Leo looks at the hunters. "So are you going to explain why you are here in my woods?"

Kitty jumped off the quad and sauntered over to the opening and came face to face with a dog. She growled at the dog causing it to whine and cower in fear. The dog raced back to the hunters scared out of its mind. She raced to the other side and howled again getting closer each time making it sound like she was getting closer. She laid down and concentrated on freezing the campfire solid.

"Your woods are haunted, aren't they? I thought that we would be able to get enough wildlife from here but that does not seem to be the case. We will leave and you can trust us when we say that we will not be back." The hunter grabbed his hat and raced back to the truck the rest of them followed suit and left. While the dog bolted to the truck and refused to go in the back of the truck.

Kitty flashed her eyes at the dog and the dog froze not from ice but from fear. ~That was very fulfilling. I will head back and get changed Charlette will need food soon.~ She turned and raced back to the clearing and transformed back to her human state and then got dressed. She walked back to the house and she could hear Charlette fussing. "Charlette, Mommy is here now." Kitty took Charlette and went to the office downstairs and started to feed her.

Charlette ate and after being burped made happy baby sounds. She also kicked her feet.

"That's my girl. I am glad that I made it back before you kicked up more of a fuss." Kitty carried Charlette out of the study and watched as she fell back asleep.

Tiana walked up to Kitty and hugged her legs, "Mommy are you back? Tiana was worried about you."

Leo walked through the door and looked at Kitty holding Charlette. He walked up to her and took Charlette then handed her to Luke. "I am going to get Kitty to rest. I am wiped and I know that she is worn out as well. If our daughter needs us just come wake us up and when dinner is ready also wake us up." He wraps his arm around her waist and drags her up the stairs.

"After the nap, I will come down I do have to agree with Leo I am feeling rather sleepy. Have a good afternoon and come get us if Charlette kicks up a fuss." Kitty followed Leo up to the room.

"That was the most exhilarating thing but also the most exhausting thing to do. How are you holding up?" Leo looked over at Kitty.

"I am feeling relatively good but I should rest a bit as my body is still recovering but I also want to run around more in my fox form but all good things must come to an end. So I will rest with you for now." She laid down on the bed and holds out her arms for Leo to come to cuddle with her.

"A demon you are but that is also the truth as well. I can't even make a joke about that as it is truthful. Oh well, I still love you." Leo gets down on the bed and lays next to her, "I am glad that I can lay next to you here on my bed. It feels like we have been going non-stop since we were reunited and that is not far from the truth."

Kitty snuggles into his arms. "It has been going non-stop but we will get a bit of a break. You have an association to run and I have a clan to unite. Our work never ends but one day there will be the peace that we want and our children will be grateful to live as long as we allowed them. I am sure that we will succeed. There is a lot we still have to do to make this happen." She yawns and then her eyes close and she drifts off to sleep.

Leo lightly chuckles, "and here I thought I would pass out on you," and holds her as he drifts off to sleep.

Luke held Charlette and walks back to the couch. "Sorry, Carlos I will not be able to help you today."

"That's okay, I do have Nathan to help me out. I will go and give him a hand with the dinner preparations now that I am home. I will leave you and Cindy to the baby details. I thought that we would have a while yet but I lost Cindy to the baby as well." He mumbled that last part and went to the kitchen. "Nathan, I do believe that Kitty saw Kyra. when she gets up if you haven't spoken to her yet ask her how the visit went."

"Thank you for your concern I trust that Kitty visited her and I think it went well or else she would've told me otherwise. A lot happened today so I will not bother her. I am worried about my beloved. Does she still remember me and our promise that we made so long ago? I love her deeply and I will do as I am instructed to." Nathan smiles and then gets back to cooking.

"You are a strong kid. I am home so let me know where you are at for dinner. I want this to be a feast since that baby has arrived nothing is off the menu anymore." Carlos smiles and opens the fridge and pulls out some fruit to prep for the fruit salad.

Cindy looked at Luke holding his sister, "if you get tired of holding her or need a break you can pass her to me or place her in the cradle. I am not saying that you would be bored of holding her but your arms might get tired." She smiled softly. 'I think I will be replaced by older brother Luke but that is okay. I am glad that they both love the baby.'

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