Unknown Prey

Chapter 259 259 I Will Feed You Some Food

"It is true what Carlos is saying. I have fit into many clans but none of them really truly felt like home. I also didn't have a choice of staying in one place. I did not have that luxury as I had to keep moving to protect my people. I did feel at home with my people but I was not allowed to stay for too long. I think I was allowed to stay for a couple of months before I had to go." Kitty slowly ate her food and thought about what had happened with her father and then about the fool of a man named Fakhir.

"Now you guys do not need to worry as much. I will help make this world a better place so that you can relax and find your home. I will not allow anything to happen to you, Kitty. I will use everything at my disposal. I want you all to settle down. Nathan if you choose to stay here or want to keep working with Carlos I do not mind. I will also give Kyra a job. I have plenty of things that I could use help with. I do not want you to feel forced into it though. I will give you all the time you need to decide. I will still pay you as you are helping out in the kitchen. I usually have a non-disclosure contract with my workers but you are part of the reason I have that clause so I do believe it is safe." Leo looked at Nathan and smiled while still rubbing Kitty's thigh.

"Thank you, Leo. I really like it here I think that Kyra will like it as well. As I do not know how she will feel in the future I can not say what the plan will be at this time but I am happy here at this place. I have met so many individuals all with different backgrounds. I will accept the pay all because I can not survive without some pay. I really like everyone here." He looks out the window. 'Kyra, Hunny. I can not wait for you to recover your memories and come back into my embrace. I know that I was acting as someone that I should not have been. I hope that you can forgive me.'

Carlos shook his head, "I accept the help for as long as you decide to stay. I am sure that is Leo had known that I was a werewolf, in the beginning, I would've been either killed or I would've been asked to take care of the kid. I am glad that everything is out in the open now. I can keep my job and there isn't a lot that Luke needs to learn now. He is probably curious about his past and I would like to help him with that at the very least. It is my duty after all."

"Yes, it is your job. Jaxson is reaching the end of his life. You should've felt that when you were last there. If you haven't I will kick you in the head." Kitty took a few more bites and then they all could hear Charlette start crying.

"You eat, I will go and grab her." Leo patted her thigh then got up and went to the living room. Leo entered the room and saw Charlette crying and kicking up a fuss. "What is the matter, baby girl?"

Stella was checking Charlette's diaper and picked her up. "It's not her diaper. It could be that she needs food, she could be overwhelmed, or she missed you guys. Welcome back."

"I will take her to Kitty. Kitty is just having dinner. I would not blame her for being exhausted. It has been a long day for everyone. Stella, you don't need sleep or to feed do you?" Leo holds out his arms to take Charlette.

Stella gives Charlette over to Leo. "I do not need to feed. I am good for at least a week maybe even two. I was forced to drink a lot of blood so there isn't a need and I don't have a bad bloodlust need that has to be filled. As so sleep I don't really need it. What do you need from me?"

"I was thinking since Cindy will need sleep that you might be able to stay with the baby during the nighttime." Leo rocked Charlette in his arms trying to get her to calm down.

"It would be a good idea. There is a chance that since I haven't slept well last night I might not wake up and Kitty needs her rest as well. I will stay up with you for a little bit and then I will go and catch so sleep." Cindy nods her head as she says this.

Leo nodded at the two then left the room with a fussy Charlette. He got back to the kitchen and found that it was just Kitty finishing off her dinner.

Kitty stopped eating and held out her hands to take Charlette from him. Once Leo passed her over to Kitty, Charlette started looking for food. "So it was milk that you wanted." She started feeding their daughter and smiled down at her.

Leo picked up her fork and fed a bite of food to Kitty. "I will feed you some food while you feed our daughter. It is the least that I can do."

Kitty ate the bite of food that Leo offered her and smiled. Once she had finished the first bite Leo had the second bite waiting for her. She slowly ate and after five bites Charlette was done eating. Kitty picked her up gently and patted her back and heard her burp. She held her daughter and looked at Leo happily.

"You are doing a lovely job at this so far." He holds the fork for her to eat. After Kitty ate the food that he was feeding her, Leo smiled, "there is not a lot that I can do for you right now but I will do everything that I can. You look even more beautiful than when I first met you."

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