Unknown Prey

Chapter 26 25


"Okay, Julie. Be safe and guard the home. Contact me if anything happens." She hung up the phone and turned to Leo. "We may have a problem. Julie said that they are hunters in the area. If she had said a hunter I could just brush it under the rug but she said hunters. Leo do you know anything?" Her expression was dark.

Leo had followed her out of the bed and listened to what she said. As soon as she mentioned the possibility of there being other hunters in the area he pulled out his phone. He clicked on the hunter log in application. He typed in the coordinates for the hotel he was in. "There's a hunt for a Vampire in the area. It's being hunted by Will who will also be staying here at this hotel. Shit. There's a high chance he'll come to my room. After all, we work in the same field. Will it be too hard for you to transform?" He had a frown on his face and his personal phone rang. He looked down at the display and answered the phone. "Hello Will."

"Hey, Leo! Did you find her? I know that was the whole reason you took a week off. I'm heading back to the hotel for dinner. If you found Kitty you should bring her and we can all dine at the restaurant in the hotel together." The cheerful voice replied back.

"Will I did indeed find her." He looked over at Kitty. He looked at her and watched her nod her head yes to eating together. "Meet you for dinner in about an hour." He hung up the phone. "Are you sure that you can handle this? I don't want the two of you to be harmed." He had a dark expression on his face.@@

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