Unknown Prey

Chapter 273 273 Please Free Alario Today

"Kitty you were always the little sister I never had. You bickered with Ketan like it was nothing. I never once saw you as an outsider. I will always treat you dearly. Have you figured out your new powers yet?" Looking down Sylvie smiled.

"My preignition dreams are getting stronger. I can read the pasts of a person when I come in contact with them. I think that I am able to work with water more closely but as for the other abilities I do not remember everything that got locked." Kitty closed her eyes and thought about everything.

"It's okay you do not need to force yourself to remember everything right now. I know that you will remember when the timing is right. I only know your abilities because I was there when they locked them away on you. Emerson remembers that day." Sylvie sighed and tried to smile.

"I do, I was there for the whole process. I must say that you surprised me. You were just a small little girl but you were witty and had a lot that you could not control." Emerson moved his hand to Sylvie's shoulder and thought back at what had happened back in the day.

"I won't force myself. I was just seeing if anything came up and there was nothing. I do not want to deal with the repercussions of remembering. I do remember meeting your parents once a year around this time. I hope that I will be able to stop relying on them but I think that is impossible. There is just so much that I want from this life and your mother treats me like her own daughter. You are loved, Sylvie, Ketan, on the other hand, got bashed talked almost the whole time I would visit. They worried that the task that they gave you would kill you faster. Which you and I both know that if they had not given you this task you would live longer." Kitty tried sitting up but was still a little too weak to do so.

Sylvie placed her hands on Kitty's back and helped her sit up. "Emerson, could you get Kitty some breakfast?" Sylvie looked at him then back at Kitty.

"No problem. I will grab you a plate Kitty, you don't need to force yourself to go to the dining room." Emerson walked into the dining room and saw that Leo was staring at the door. "I am going to bring a plate of food for Kitty to eat as she is awake right now."

Leo picked up her plate and started loading some different food on it. He took the plate to Emerson. "I will come to the living room after I finish eating." He walked back to his plate and started eating his food.

"Thank you, Leo I will see to it that she gets this food. Sylvie will make sure that she eats." Emerson left the room and brought the food back to the girls. "Here is breakfast." Emerson passed the plate to Kitty and then some cutlery.

"Do I have to eat right now. I just had a lot of essence. There won't be a lot of room for regular food." Kitty sighed and took a bite of food.

"Yes, you have to. You know for a fact that your body won't last without it. Kitty, you should know this better than the rest of us. I suggest that after you eat you rest more. I will take Leo to his job since we do not need to push you into taking the essence from Ketan." Sylvie giggled at Kitty acting as a young girl.

"Alright, I think that is a good idea. I will eat and then have Leo take me to the bedroom. If I need you I will just send you a message but I should be fine." Kitty started to eat but she was forcing herself to eat what was on the plate. Once she got halfway done she put the plate down. "I'm done. I can't possibly eat any more."

Leo ate quickly and then went to the living room. He walked over to Kitty and leaned over placing his hand on either side of her head. "How are you feeling now?" His sapphire blue eyes shone down at her.

"Tired. I think that you should complete today's work. I will rest and at noon I will meet with the director at noon. I do believe that is when they will show up." She looked up into Leo's eyes. 'This man is mine for the rest of my existence.'

"I am glad that all you feel is tired. I will take you to our room and before I come home I will go and free Alario. I do not want Scarlet to get angry that I did not uphold my promise. Invite her over for dinner." Leo placed a knee on the couch to steady himself then brought his hand to Kitty's cheek and tucked her hair behind her ear. He touched her cheek and then smiled at her. "I love you, Kitsune. Let me take you up to our room."

Kitty nodded her head and let Leo pick her up. She rested her head on his chest. "I will keep my connection open for both you and Sylvie. If something happens, please come home. I will also do the same. If something bad happens I will let you know right away."

Leo lifted her up with ease and carried her away from the living room. "Okay, I promise that I will do as you ask of me. I am not going to fight you on this. I will ask that you be careful while I am gone. If you need help there are going to be a lot of people left in the household. I promise that I will finish everything by five this evening and I will go get Alario."

"Okay, if you need to stop what you are doing then do it. Alario can not die. I would almost be happier if you freed him this morning rather than waiting for this evening." Kitty closed her eyes ~Ketan I know that you are angry but could you at least take Leo to his office this morning?~

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