Unknown Prey

Chapter 280 280 The Third Letter

Carlos blinks his eyes and shakes his head. 'If that doesn't work how do we get her to relax?' He walks to the opposite side and starts to look around. Finding nothing he says, "there is nothing on this side."

"There is nothing over here either," Leo looked at Carlos and sighed, "I am surprised that you and Cindy would try something like that."

Ketan turned and went to the last side as well and opened a drawer finding a trap set up. He lifts the fake insert to reveal a key. He picks up the key to examine it. 'It doesn't look like it would fit in the safes but I wonder if it will fit in what was on my side.' He takes the key and walks back to his side and tries inserting the key into the hole in the wall and it turns with a click. The wall slides open revealing a room full of documents that go into detail of the chemical creation process. "Leo, I think I found what we have been looking for."

Leo jumped and ran over. He examined what was in the room. "Yes, this is what we were looking for. I am not sure it is a wise choice for any of us to touch what is in here I do not know if the chemical was created here. Maybe, that is if you don't mind, could you bring Will and Brielle here? Carlos, I will ask can you protect Thompson and his family while Brielle and Will, come here to pack this up?"

"Yes, I can do that. I think it is a better idea that we the supernaturals do not touch anything in the room but it is super important that it all gets packed up." Carlos nods at Leo as he approached the room.

"Alright, I will be back with them then." Ketan took Carlos and went to get Will and Brielle.

Kitty took Amelia to her waterfall hideout and laid her under the waterfall. She placed her hands over Amelia's heart and started to purify the damage that had happened inside of Amelia. Kitty concentrated on pulling the toxins inside the body and slowly a clouded purple ball appeared above them. Amelia opened her eyes and sighed happily, "your magic is the strongest it has been in a while. You are starting to come into your powers once again," she states this.

Kitty waited as the last of the toxins went into the ball and she concentrated on purifying the water. Once the water turned crystal blue she let it float to the forest and drop on the plants. "My powers are slowly coming back to me and there is nothing anyone can do about that. Last time we met my powers were sealed but you know how it was when my powers were not sealed. How are you feeling now?" Kitty touched Amelia's shoulder.

"Much better, I will need to rest in this place for a week. If you do not mind sharing this place with me. I can see that you have it set up that those who are looking for you will not be able to find you easily." She let out a sigh and lifted her hand and touched Kitty's shoulder.

"Yes, this is my place. I think it has everything that I could need. My magic will attract unwanted attention and one day I will have to hide from those that will want to abuse these powers. I will share this place with you. You need natural running water to heal properly. Please, do stay here." Kitty relaxed now that Amelia had enough strength to move.

"Thank you, I will as you suggest. You did find the perfect place to relax in. I know you will do everyone proud and there is a letter on you. You may open it now." Amelia smiled and rested her eyes for a moment.

Kitty pulled out the letter and opened it.


We of the water Dragon clan wanted to report that Amelia has gone missing. We have not been able to get a hold of you. I am deeply concerned that our Queen has not reported back and her voice can not be heard in the waters. This means she is being held captive, or worse she is no longer in this world. I would like to request your help. It has been ten years since we last met Kitsune but you are one of us even if you are not at full powers. You should know that our queen is everything to us and we will do everything in our powers to help you get her back all you need to do is command us and we are at your disposal. Call upon when you read this letter I will come to you immediately.

I hope that the young one I dropped this off with will not be upset that I used a glamour to get him to take this letter to you. I will apologize when I see the young one again.

Call me soon. I am yours to command,


Kitty chuckled then walked to the middle of the lake. She let her powers out and she started to glow a pale blue and then said, "the elements under my command and those that are connected to it are under my control. I look for the ones that seek my help and I summon thy Wenceslaus to appear before me."

In front of Kitty, the air bent and shifted until a human-like figure stepped through, "you called me early?" Wenceslaus looked at Kitty then sensed Amelia, "AMELIA! I have been hunting for you for the past five years." He rushed to her side.

"It was I who told Kitsune to open the letter," Amelia coughs and looks at Wenceslaus, "sorry for being gone so long. Kitsune saved me I was about to die and almost gave my powers away to a vampire."

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