Unknown Prey

Chapter 29 28

"Please stop Will. I don't think we should talk about this." He gives his friend a troubled look that caused Will to laugh. "We really should get some food though. Kitty hasn't had dinner yet and with our baby, in her belly, she needs the proper nutrients." He wrapped his arm protectively around her waist and starts to lead her to the door.

"I am now interested in what happened while I was with my family. After all, you are the father of our baby." She giggles and smiles looking up at Leo teasingly. "Although Leo is quite right. I'm feeling rather hungry. Can we please go down to the restaurant?" Kitty smiled and let Leo lead her to the door where she sat down and Leo helped her put on her shoes. She smiled and ran her hand through Leo's hair.

"Of course let's head down. We can chat over dinner." Will watched the two interact and was rather pleased. He took a picture on his phone and sent it to Sam. The message he sent said ~Look who I ran into with Leo. It looks like you were right that the two of them would become a couple but they're expecting a baby. She looks happy I don't think you should worry so much Sam.~ Sam's reply was quick ~I can not believe she didn't say anything to me! I'm so happy they really match each perfectly. Leo seems cold but his expression is very warm in the picture.~ He smiled at his fiance's response. ~Okay we're all heading to dinner I'll message you when we're done. I love you.~ With that, he put his phone back in his pocket.

Kitty glared slightly at Will. "You just reported to Sam, didn't you? I'm going to have so many emails and it'll be all your fault." She pouted as Leo opened the door after putting on his shoes. He took her hand and lead her to the elevator.

Leo looked down at Kitty. "Don't worry it'll be alright. I'm sure Sam will respect your choices, my dear." Everyone got on the elevator and went down to the restaurant. Leo pulled out the chair for Kitty then Sat beside her and looked through the menu. 'What to eat? There's always too much to choose from.' He looked at Kitty who didn't open the menu. "Do you know what you want?"

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