Unknown Prey

Chapter 293 - 293 Augustina

A werewolf walked in and saw that Jaxson was pinned to the wall by someone he did not recognize. "Sir!" He was about to pounce on Kitty…

"Freeze! You can not harm her." Jaxson yelled out the command and stopped fighting.

Kitty let go of Jaxson and finished healing him, "see you create misunderstandings within your own clan when you fight me." Kitty sauntered back to the female wolf that she laid down and touched her neck. She sat down then placed the female werewolf's head on her lap. "I need complete silence and some water."

"Jacob, go fetch some water and while you are out, tell everyone to stay away from here until I say so." Jaxson looked at Kitty then sat behind her, "I want a full report on what is going on once you are done."

"But of course. I will tell you once this one is in the clear. I wonder if she will want to keep the life growing inside of her?" Kitty brushed the girl's hair back and placed her hands on the temples of the head. Kitty leaned on Jaxon and entered the mind of the girl. She found the true soul of the girl hidden deep inside behind all the rage and anger. "Annet or should I call you Augustina? You are no longer in that hellish place and you no longer need to hide. I know that you did it to protect yourself but also for the life that is growing inside of you."

Annet stepped towards Kitty and saw the fox ears, "You are not like me but you are similar. Are you sure that it is safe? I will not be able to go back into this state and if I am not safe then the baby and I will not be safe."

"Ah, so you know about the baby. That is good. Let me show you where you are and who you harmed." Kitty held out her hand to Annet to take.

Annet reached her hand out hesitantly and then saw the room and saw the werewolf that she injured deeply but he didn't stop trying to help her calm down. She watched as Kitty pinned him to heal him. "You are not just a fox demon. A Hybrid...I can trust you." Annet clears the rage in her heart and then lets her kind gentle soul take back over. 

Kitty stayed until her soul was in place she removed her hands and quickly placed them in the water. "It is done, Jaxson. She is really a sweet gentle girl." She shifted the girl off her lap and then placed her hands back into the water. 

Jaxson got up, used a scoop and scooped water down her arms. The water shifted from pure to murky. "Before I came here I got essence from an outside source, one that I did not know how it would affect me." 

Jaxson looked up at her sharply and stopped his actions. "You know that is not safe to be doing that. Your eyes are deeper than usual but in a good way. Was the source one that could at least be trusted?"

"Very trustworthy and purer than most... Dragons." Kitty took her arms out of the water and laid on the ground and closed her eyes. 

Jaxson sat down and placed her head on his lap, "Dragon? It has been a while since they have been mentioned I did know they existed but they do not normally mingle here."

"They do not normally mingle on our plain but there are rare times they come down and it is at those times where they need to be careful to not get killed or captured. One got captured, I healed her. Her spouse offered his essence to me." Kitty kept her eye's closed. 

The young werewolf called Jacob came back and saw the sight of Kitty on Jaxson's lap. Jaxson turned and looked at Jacob and saw the look of shock on his face.

"There is nothing to be so shocked about, Jacob. I have known Jaxson for a long time and I am a fox demon." Kitty kept her eyes closed as she could feel the power surging in and out of focus.

"Kitty is like a daughter to me. Her parents were good friends of mine. I had at one point wanted her and Carlos to get together but that is something that never panned out," Jaxson sighed, "but I will get a wonderful daughter in law in the end and it is because of you Kitty." 

"I did nothing of the sort, Father. You know that there is no way to force that boy to do what you want. Jacob do not overthink this." Kitty opened her eyes and looked at the werewolf by the door but upside down. 

Jacob gasped at her eyes, "You are not normal." 

"Hmmmmmm, I wonder about that? What do you, see Jacob?" She continued to stare at him.

Jaxson looked down at Kitty and mutters, "I knew it would take a lot out of you."

"Y-Your eyes. They are unnatural in color. I do not remember telling you my name." Jacob takes a step into the room.

"Do not take a step closer. I can not let you any closer as she is not in her normal state of mind." Jaxson could sense that Kitty was planning something.

"I wasn't going to harm him," Kitty pouted and looked up at Jaxson. "I only wanted to know his name. Raijin are you afraid that I can't control my powers? I know better than to take what I need from the supernaturals."

Sylvie, Carlos, and the male werewolf showed up. Carlos looked at Jaxson and then at Kitty. "What is the f.u.c.k.i.n.g hell are you doing here?" 

"Helping?" Kitty turned her eyes towards Carlos and smiled then popped behind him. "Another one. This one is in a more stable situation than the last one you brought." Kitty touched the werewolf and read a bit of his past and had heard his name. "You go by Gerald, Annet is resting right now. So let us chat."

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