Unknown Prey

Chapter 297 - 297 Suspicious Room

"Carlos, I am a hunter. If I could not handle watching my wife kill an animal then I am not in the right line of work. I do however worry that she was holding back for my sake. With it being my first transformation and all. I want to watch my fiance hunt. Did everything work out for the two wolves from here?" Leo turned and stared at Carlos.

"That debt I was talking about only grows. She saved both of them by using her magic. As her brother, I worry she will burn out but as a clan leader, I understand that she is doing everything within her powers. She will save every single person that she can. Both of the wolves are now under my direct command. It is strange to be able to feel other supernaturals. I am beginning to see and feel what Kitty went through all these years. Their emotions all flow to me. I can tell that they feel safe and relaxed. The girl had shut down her emotions and locked them within herself up so that she could become strong to protect herself and the baby she is carrying." Carlos walked towards Leo and waved him to start going up.

"That is good that they are both under your direct command. That means that you are slowly taking over what was always meant to be yours. How old is your father?" Leo walked up the stairs and looked at everything that had been dealt with. They walked towards the three voices. 

"Two hundred years old now I believe. He has been running the clan since his father passed away when he turned twenty. As old as he is, I thought that would be a good idea to let him keep going but I guess I was just being selfish. I didn't want to take over my father's job. I loved the people but I did not love anything else. I worried that I wouldn't be able to live up to the expectations of my people but I guess it is time to try." Carlos lets out a sigh.

"In my opinion, I think that you will do a lovely job. There is only one individual that would be right for the job and it is not anyone other than you. Your father was waiting for you to take over the clan of your own free will. I think that you will make a great Alpha but at the same time I would hate to lose your help at the house." Leo sighed and looked into the room that the three people were slightly arguing in. "Do you think that this is the time to be arguing you three?"

Sylvie looked at Leo and laughed, "we were just deciding if we should call you. I can sense that this is a secret room. I wanted to break down the door." 

"And I was saying that we should grab you. I do not want my partner to be in any potential danger." Emerson glared at Sylvie.

Will shrugged his shoulders, "I was not about to get into a lovers spat but I was about to message you to let you know that there was a room that was not on the layout plans." 

Carlos let out a sigh now that the spotlight was no longer over him. "You should've just called Leo but we are done in the bas.e.m.e.nt now." 

Leo walked up to the wall and tapped on the wall. 'I have a bit of a bad feeling about that room. I do not like that it was not on the floor plan. I wonder what Kitty would do? Should I open this with everyone present or should I send some out to the outside buildings? Hmmmm.' Leo looked at the group, "Sylvie you said that you could sense hearts beating form outside the house still right, I will get you, Emerson, and Carlos to go and look at them. Afterward, I will join you after Will and I check this room. I do not want anything to happen to you guys and you are my responsibility." 

"That is alright with me. I will go out with the two guys and get that job done. I do not like that I am leaving you with a human but I guess if anything happens you can call upon Ketan who is still within the household." Sylvie turns and leaves the house.

Emerson bowed to Leo and followed Sylvie out of the house not saying anything else. 

"Before I leave I want you to know that I am glad that we were able to talk. I think that you are correct about my father. I will do what I can to take over but I will not give up my job so easily." Carlos lightly punches Leo's shoulder and leaves the house. 

Leo watched them all leave and once they left the house he walked towards the stairs. "Will I have a bad feeling about that room and with most of us being supernaturals it is not safe for any of us to be near that room once it is opened I will send Brielle down to help you. If you find the full chemical send me a message and I will have everyone leave this place for you two to finish up."

"I understand and if the chemical is in this room Brielle and I will not be allowed near you guys until we shower numerous times. I do not want anyone of you to go mad." Will stopped leaning against the wall, "I am glad that they did not open the door. 

Kitty back at the house felt a shift in the air and quickly chatted to Leo, ~The place you are in is dangerous for the supernaturals and that includes you, Darling.~ She steps out of the shower and gets dressed.

~I had a feeling that would be the case I already kicked Carlos, Emerson, and Sylvie out of the house. I was about to go to Ketan and let him know. There is a room in the house that I am not sure about. I have a bad feeling about it so I thought that it would be a good idea to get all the supernaturals out of the house and yes that included me. I will get Brielle and Will to open the room and the rest of us will be outside. Do you think a shower will be enough if they come in contact with the chemical?~ Leo walked up the stairs and saw Ketan and Brielle finishing up the last room.

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