Unknown Prey

Chapter 302 - 302 Bingo!

"I am sorry for your loss." Leo read the letter and could pick up the scent of blood from it. "You were all tied up but none of you had your blood drained. Do you know for how long you have been tied up?" He folded the letter back up and pulled out a bag and placed the letter in the clear ziplock bag. "I need to keep this for the time being. I will give it back to you after the trial. Is that alright with you?"

Kamilla watched Leo, "please see justice for my friend. I never had a sibling and she was always there for me. I want to see if we can get some justice for her."

"Mother, I think we can trust this man. He is different from Valdis. From what I can tell he is not a human. At first, we were brought out here but my mother was too weak to do the work and I begged to help her. I swore that I would not run away. Valdis took blood from all the members you just saved. I helped my mother with feeding them. I let her rest whenever she needed it. We got tied up with the rest about two weeks ago. There was a vampire that came by and gave us water and sometimes food. It was not always pleasant the things he would do but we all somehow managed to survive. Mother was too weak and fell unconscious a lot. I hoped that she would survive. I would encourage her while she was awake. I hope that answers your question?" The teenager looked at Leo sadly.

"You really have a great son, Kamilla. I will guard this letter with my life. It is important to you and I respect that you want it back. As for you young man, I sense that you are not actually a human." Leo looked at the boy and watched as he froze. ~There was a group of humans here. We were able to save all of them but there seems to be a supernatural mixed in the bunch.~

~Yes, there is a warlock out there. I can sense him. He is young and untrained. I feel for the boy his powers are unchecked. Her father must have taken off after knocking up his mother. That is the only thing I can guess.~ Kitty touched the drawer and found it to be locked. Her eyes sparkled as she ran her finger over the lock. She opened the drawer, inside was all the blueprints for the chemical and each page was laminated. She picked up the stack and took them to the bathroom. She dropped them in the tub and went back to the room. She opened each locked drawer but only a few contained what they needed. ~Jackpot. It seems that Valdis did something right. I will be able to bring out each page that was laminated. I am slowly cleansing them.~ She looked at Will and laughed, "Will you were supposed to hunt for everything, not get yourself covered in powders."

"I opened the cupboard and the f.u.c.k.i.n.g bag spilled out. I am glad that we are showering after this. I feel disgusting." Will was scowling at Kitty and looked at Brielle.

Brielle was unable to hold back her laughter, "pfffft, Will you look ridiculous. If I could take a picture right now, I would and you definitely know that I would send it to Sam. I like your fiance, she is like a forever excited teenager." 

"Do not worry we will keep this from Sam for now. I think she would laugh at you like the last time." Kitty smiled and then saw that they were all done. "It is unfortunate that we have to burn all this valuable information but we can not risk it going to the wrong people's hands. There are three bathrooms in this house. I have one that is occupied. There were some laminated pages and my magic to cleanse them so that I can remove them from here. They explain how the chemical is made in great detail. While you both shower. I will not look but I will let you know if you need to shower more. We can not risk a spec of the chemical traveling out of this place. I will get your clothes from Leo and Ketan. I will cleanse my water body first I can feel there is some clouding going on in my hands." Kitty held up her water hands and there was some dark discoloration. "This does not affect me physically but it could affect them and that is something that I do not want to happen. I want those that are connected to me to be safe." She walked past them and led them to sperate bathrooms. "Your current clothes will be burned in the house fire so place them in the corner of the room. Do not touch anything that is here and I will bring you a towel that is clean." 

"I understand but it is going to be awkward for me. Sorry, Kitty." Will looked at Kitty and sighed. 

Brielle looked at Kitty and smiled, "I do not mind but if you were I guy I would feel the same way that Will does." 

"It's okay Will, I will have you face the wall and I will place the towel of your shoulders or better yet when the water is turned off I will throw you the towel. I will then leave the room so that you can dry off and wrap the towel around your waist. I can explain it to Sam on why this had to happen." Kitty was unbothered by this as it is the only options she could come up with. 

"Okay, please do explain it to her. I do not want to get in trouble for something that is beyond my control. I love Sam and we are expecting a baby now. I do not want to break her faith in me." Will stepped through the door of the bathroom and stood in the corner removing all of his clothing then hopping in the shower.

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