Unknown Prey

Chapter 305 - 305 Bearers

Kitty felt the essence in her mouth. She sat up and licked the wound, "You are not well enough. I can not take it from you, Amelia. You can not do this to your people but more importantly, you have a wonderful spouse that has been waiting for you. I will recover without it." 

"You are holding back the cravings Kitsune. I can tell better than anyone else. If I had not been the one to feed you all those years I would not be able to see that you need it. Stop lying." Sylvie walked up to Kitty and saw the hunger in her eyes. 

Kitty closed her eyes and disappears from everyone's sight. She goes to a cave that is connected to the Queen and King of vampires and that was where they were hiding.

Cedric stepped out and picked her up, "I thought we told you to not do anything to bring you to the brink of starving? Asmoday has left my body but I will feed you my essence."

Kitty shudders but lets him carry her inside and blacks out. 

"She pushed herself too hard... just how many spells did she interconnect?" Yuki stepped out and took Kitty from Cedric. "If we feed her both our essences then she will be okay. I thought about doing that last time but I thought she would last until she fed from Ketan." Yuki sighed and placed Kitty on the bed. "Should I go first or you?" 

"I will go first, you will need my blood as she takes your essence. I can still eat the chocolates. Asmoday owns a lot to us after all." Cedric pulled out the bag of chocolates and sat down on the bed. His knife flies to his hand and he slices his wrist and drips his yellow essence into her mouth.

Kitty weakly opened her eye and took the essence from Cedric. She licked the wound and stared at Yuki, "I think I layered ten spells altogether. I did not know where else to go. I was with Ketan and Sylvie before I came here. Sorry for dropping in." 

"You are one of the few guests that are allowed to pass through the veil here. Only you, not even our children can pass through without proper entry permission." Yuki leaned over and touched Kitty's cheek. "You are like the other daughter of our family, I treat you as such and I know that you are cursed to live as long as I have. It is almost time to come out of hiding and I know that you will have to go into hiding. Only one of us is allowed to be out in the open. I am not a hybrid but I am a bearer of the element earth. I knew that the supernaturals under my direct command accept me now but at first, I struggled with gaining that control. The werewolves treat you like one of their own. I am grateful for that."

"Yes, they treat me well. I like that the clan is opening up and they are looking forward to you coming back, but not just you but also Cedic. The wind bearer. You should know that by now. I knew that something was up when your essence was a different color. Both Ketan and Sylvie have a red essence but both of you are linked to those elements of a different color." Kitty looked at Yuki then at Cedric. 

"I am not allowed to die. Did you never think that it was strange that I have said that in the past? I worried that I would lose Yuki one day. I am indeed the wind element bearer." Cedric touched where he cut himself and saw that it was healed. 

Yuki touched Kitty's forehead, "with knowing all this is a lot that comes to mind. I am not able to stay quiet about everything anymore. You are like us but also different. The bearers usually stick together and there are only a few things that can kill us. We knew that you were born into this world as soon as you breathed your first breath. I sent Sylvie to scope you out. If you were of the water element we knew that you calm and tame our son but that did not mean that you would choose him to be yours." 

"I liked Ketan as a friend and nothing more but it was also because I grew up with Sylvie all the time. I could tell that there were stored powers within her. I should go home now." Kitty tried to get off the bed.

Yuki sat on her lap. "No, you must take my essence as well. Having all the element essence in you will shift you to the rightful place and will trigger the sequence of events that must come to light. The life essences will flow through you when you take all essences from different sources. The closer to the bearer the better, you have dragon's water essence, Cedric's wind essence, now you will have my earth essence." 

"But, I can't possibly take all the different essences. I knew that you were one of them but I never knew the Cedric was one until you two confirmed it just now. I was only guessing." Kitty stopped resisting and let Yuki do as she wanted.

"Of course not. We only figured it out when we first locked Ketan's powers away and since we had figured it out around that time ourselves. We knew that since three were born there would be one more. So you have decided not to run?" Yuki was holding the knife that Cedric had cut himself with.

"Would you let me if I tried? I get the feeling that you would stop me no matter what." Kitty sighed and leaned back. Her eyes watched the knife.

"You are anticipating this more than you want to admit. I can see the desire inside of you," she slices her neck, blood and green essence leak out.

Kitty shivers and leans forward and licks the cut and then bites into the wound drinking the essence. 

Ketan showed up at the barrier and touched it and passed through and went to the door. He made his way and could smell the blood of his parents, "Are you both okay?"

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