Unknown Prey

Chapter 309 - 309 Just What Exactly are you Planning?

"It is very comfortable here. I am still recovering so I hope that you do not mind if I use this place still," Amelia looks at Kitty and waits for her reply.

"I really do not mind. Stay as long as you need too. I will leave this place open for the two of you as I would like the water purified only when you guys have the time… this, of course, is not an order but merely a request from a friend." Kitty had her eyes closed but she opened them and smiled at the two that were standing in front of her. 

"It would be a great honor to be able to do that for you. I am sure that my husband agrees with me on that point. To be of even a little help is something that we both want," Amelia turned and saw Wenceslaus nod his head.

Kitty felt that the five minutes were up and she reached her hand out and a clear bubble with amethyst and mauve smoke swirled inside appeared in her hand. She touched the bubble gently before squeezing her hand causing the bubble to pop. The amethyst and mauve colored fog poured out from her hand and evaporated into the air. "I have rested enough. I am going to go back home and check on my daughter now." She slowly stood up and leaned on the bedpost. She closed her eyes and appeared in her bedroom. She stood up straight and walked down the hallway. 

Leo, Emerson, and Sylvie finished searching the upstairs. "That went by rather fast, especially with three people. Do you think that Kitty will be okay or should I be concerned over her condition?" Leo Leo the group to the main floor.

"There is nothing that you can do to help her right now. She is abnormal from the rest of the supernaturals but that is okay. If there is something that you can do she will tell you or at least I hope that she will tell you." Ketan stepped out and looked at the group coming downstairs. "A bit of good news there was nothing on this floor. I can say this as a supernatural you are not weak Leo. I want to show you something before we go and pick up Alario." 

Sylvie nodded at Brielle who was near Ketan but not too close. "Leo, Thank you for bringing to help. I really didn't have any plans. Belize is a beautiful place but it is lonely when you are not with a loved one. I hope that you never experience losing the one you love." Brielle gave a weak smile and glanced at Ketan.

Will and Carlos came up the stairs, "damn the last group to meet. The bas.e.m.e.nt is clear, so what is the plan now that we are done?" spoke Will to Leo.

"Sylvie, Emerson, and Carlos will go back to my place and make sure that everyone is doing okay. Ketan you will take Brielle, Will and myself to the place in Belize and then we will go back to my office." Leo stared hard at Ketan.

"Alright, I will do that." Ketan touched Will's shoulder, Brielle's waist, and Leo's arm and took them back to the entrance of the house. 

"I will take my leave now and go get ready now," Will hopped away and went inside the house.

Brielle looked at Ketan who did not let go of her waist and then at Leo. 'Are they going to fight?'

"Drink, that is if she will let you. I will go for a walk. We can chat after you are done." Leo looked at him questioningly. 

"No, come with us there is something you need to learn." Ketan walked away with his arm wrapped around Brielle. They reached the edge of the forest. He walked into the forest a little deeper until they reached a clearing. "Brielle, I am sorry to ask, but I crave your blood will you willing to give it to me? Leo needs to see what happens to someone like me. He does not know what happens when you crave something so much like this." Ketan looked into her eyes. 

"I already told you that you are welcome to my blood whenever you need it." Brielle pulled down her shirt and waited for Ketan to bite her neck.

"Thank you, I really wanted for you to recover more but it seems like Kitty is working on pushing us together so that she does not have to worry about either one of us." Ketan kissed her neck and sank his fangs into her neck he drank deeply and stopped just before the point that would cause her to die. He caught her as she collapsed. "Sorry, sweet Brielle."

Leo started to step forward and realized that it was not his job to step in. 

"Leo this is what is going to happen until she becomes more stable. I will feed her my essence but you need to learn more about that about your supernatural self. I think that she is avoiding the topic with you. I think that you need to know that you can develop more essence. I am a vampire and if you trust me then I can you turn into one of my own." Ketan looked at Leo and held his hand out to him. "I will not force you to make that choice but I know that I can turn you into a vampire." Ketan picked up Brielle and held her close to his body. 

"I do not know if becoming a vampire would solve the issue. I worry since I was human, to begin with, I worried that I would not be able to handle being different. It is a new life experience and Kitty has already made me one of her people but I do understand why you are asking me. Ketan I will stay as I am." He looked at him and smiled, "but thank you for the offer. If I ever change my mind I will let you know." 

"I didn't think that you would join me. I wanted to test something." Ketan's hand that was reaching out touched something that is invisible and he grabbed a hold of it. After examining it he let it go and sighed. ~You are too crafty, when did you suspect that he would find out?~

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