Unknown Prey

Chapter 316 - 316 I Will Decide in a Few Days.

Luke looks at Kitty shocked and then at Leo. "I will think about this over the next few days and once I make a choice I will let you know right away. It is a lot of information to take in right now. Is there anything that I am allowed to know before I decide or do I only find out after it is all said and done?"

Ketan stood up and took off his shirt and thought about the runes. Slowly his back started to glow and the runes appeared on his skin. "Each one of these will appear on your skin for a good year. It is not easy to deal with, the runes do not like to keep hiding. It takes a lot to control them. You are still young so it should be a lot easier for you. Each rune is different and has a connection to the element. Kitty has the water runes but I am not sure how the transfer would work or any information on it." Ketan put on his shirt and the runes slightly glowed through the shirt that he was wearing. 

"The transfer is a slow process and with you being young I would only be able to transfer one at a time. I would prefer that I did not have to transfer them at all but that is not the case there has to be balance and that can only be achieved when all five bearers are present and I can only bare the life element now. I think with each rune that is passed I gain a life one as well. This is not a process that I know a lot about. All the knowledge that I have about it is what I was told about from Yuki and Cedric. So it is a lot of speculation. I can only be certain of one thing and that is that I have to get this done within a year of taking all the essences within myself." Kitty looked at everyone in the living room and sighed. 

"That is a lot to take in and you know about this? I thought that the essences were just to keep your powers in check?" Leo looks at her and waits for her reply.

"It was a major part of it but there are things that I do not remember and with the way that I unlocked so many seals all at once I almost tipped the balance and forced something that I was never supposed to tip. The balance must remain as such. Life, death, evil, or good it all ties in together. Ketan is right about the runes they take a while to master or at least is what I am told. I think because I wasn't supposed to be the one to control the water element it didn't shine as bright for me or it could be because I was supposed to balance all on the elements to cause the elements to cooperate." Kitty closed her eyes.

Leo leaned over and kissed Kitty lightly on the lips, "whatever it is we will work hard on getting it all figured out. I want to try and keep all of our friends safe. I will leave the choice to Luke but if there is something that we should all know tell us sooner rather than later."

"Ketan, that was amazing! I did not think that you would have runes that would glow on the body. It is surprising but at the same time, I am in awe. I can still see them glowing under your shirt. Do they hurt you?" Luke was looking at Ketan like he had just discovered his favorite superhero. "If they hurt I would not be impressed about them. I know what Kitty knows on this topic it is not something that has been openly discussed. If it had been, there would've been more information. I didn't know that there were five of us, I knew about there being four." Ketan answered honestly.

"It was something that Yuki and I talked about. She asked that I not tell you and Sylvie about the second element that would appear on me. I was unstable as a child so that was the weakest point in time for me. I think at that time I would've died but Yuki, Cedric, and Sylvie worked hard on sealing my powers." She closed her eyes and thought about the water runes. Slowly the pastel aqua blue runes appeared and the ones on arms were clearly visible. 

"That really is fascinating Kitsune! I didn't think much about it in the past but you have some interesting powers that most of us never knew," Alario exclaimed.

"Grezhul, it is an overwhelming amount of information." Kitty looked up at the couple that was sitting close together with Scarlet's tears stilling falling down her face.

Scarlet looked at Kitty and smiled through her tears, "Thank you for sharing this with us and Grezhul, I love you. If you ever leave me for that long again I will hunt you down and kill you myself!"

"I love you too," Alario wrapped his arm around her waist and didn't look phased at what she just threatened him with as if that was something that he was used to.

Kitty continued to smile at the couple, "It is nice that the two of you are reunited after all the time. Yaurina you never change the way that you show your affection." She giggles and turns to look at Leo.

"I am happy for the two of you. Again I am sorry that it took so long to get you out." Leo smiled and looked around the room. "I never expected that one day my house would be so full of people. I always wanted to create a happy environment. I want to thank you all for being here with us. I am working hard on changing the hunter association. So within the next ten years, everything will be settled. I would say two years but let's be realistic about this, there are individuals that have been corrupted and I need to weed them out and also changing the system that has been used for what feels like centuries will not be an easy feat but I know that not all supernaturals are bad. I will try my best to help each and every one of you guys whether or not I say like you guys."

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