Unknown Prey

Chapter 320 - 320 Please Gather Everyone

~OMG! I love you to the moon and back. I just knew that you would be able to convince him. We will come by in the morning and get everything done and set up as fast as possible. Thank you for doing this babe! She sends a blow kiss emoji.

~You are so silly just make sure that you keep "him" on a tight leash or else you will go way over budget.~ Kitty closes her phone and giggles. "We should head to the dining room. The food should be ready soon."

Leo stood up will Charlette in his arms and Charlette let out a loud happy screech. She was still failing her arms and legs. Leo carefully navigated the living and went to the dining room. He sat down holding Charlette in one arm. 

Kitty followed him closely and watched how slowly he was going. She sat down next to him and sipped on her juice. 

Cindy, Tiana, Stella, Alario, Scarlet, Sylvie, Emerson, and Ketan all followed them into the dining room. Cindy sat down and saved the spot next to her for Carlos. Then she helped Tiana into her seat. 

"Other than the spot next to me the rest are open. Ketan, Emerson, Stella, and Sylvie will you guys be eating anything today or just staying to keep the conversations going?" Kitty smiled at the group. 

"If you want us to eat we can. It has been a while since I have eaten human food but I don't think Sylvie should eat any." Emerson pulled the chair one spot away from Kitty. 

"Ah, yeah I will not eat any human food but Emerson if you want you can dear. It will not affect me if you do." Sylvie sat down and got pushed in. 

Emerson kissed her cheek and then sat next to her. "If you say I can then I will. I do not want it to harm you if I do." 

"Why would it cause her harm?" Scarlet looked at Emerson confused and was still standing by the doorway.

Alario walked into the dining room and pulled out a chair next to Tiana for Scarlet to sit down in. When Scarlet came and sat down he sat down next to her and looked at the table. "Leo, I must ask why do you have such a big table?" 

"The blood that flows through Emerson will go to Sylvie but there is a chance that the blood could get altered and Sylvie can't handle human food as she grows weaker. I am growing stronger and there isn't anything at this time we can do to help her out." Ketan sat at the very end of the table opposite of Leo. leaving just a few spots open for Stella to sit in.

"I'm sorry I did not mean to ask something that would upset anyone!" Scarlet looked down at Ketan and smiled at him, "please forgive my incentive question." 

"There is nothing to forgive this is something that has been in the works for a long time and it is not anyone's fault. Ketan will blame himself no matter what you say so do not take it to heart." Sylvie picked up the juice cup and then ran her finger over the lip on the cup.

"As for the big table I may have to host parties and I have in the past but never at this house. There are other places that I have held parties and so the habit carried over. I remember Luke's eyes when he saw this table. I placed a lot of food on it and the kid just went and ate all of it. It was a good thing that I was smart and set aside food for myself." Leo smiled and rocked Charlette who was in his one arm while his hand was over Kitty's on her knee. 

"Sire, I remember that day." Edgar who was walking past the room stopped and entered the room. "It is nice to see so many guests. Here at this table. I must say when I was hired I was surprised when Leo covered half the table with so much food. I thought that it was maybe a mistake until I saw the little Luke eat and eat until it was all gone. I looked at Leo and that was when in my mind that it clicked on why he wanted a non-disclosure contract. We the servants do know what kind of job our Master has and it never bothered us as when he took over for our late Master we knew that he had the same ideals. It was nice that he let me keep my job. I have worked for Leo's family for forty years now. I had no plans to retire anytime soon." Edgar bowed to Leo. 

"You have been so faithful to me and my family Edgar I was not about to let you go. You have been able to do so much and you have been a great support for me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart." Leo offered Edgar a rare smile. 

"Sire," Edgar takes out a handkerchief and dabs his eyes, "I am glad that I could be of some use to you in my older age. I know that I am not as nimble as a younger butler but you still chose to keep me around. I will do all that I can to help you out." 

"A younger butler is more nimble but they do not know how things go in this household and you have always put your all into your work. Would you like to eat with us? You can also invite Anna and Samuel as well. We have three seats left and you guys can come and join us." Leo looks at Kitty to see what she thought about this.

"Thay are as much as family as the rest of us, so why not have everyone together? I love the idea." Kitty smiled and looked at Edgar, who was dabbing his eyes. 

Tiana slipped off her seat and walked up to Edgar and hugged his leg. "Uncle? Are you sad? Please don't cry. Tiana will kiss your owie to take away the pain if you are hurt."

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