Unknown Prey

Chapter 324 - 324 First Hunt (1)

Leo slowly walked towards the forest and found Kitty laying on her clothes and chuckled. "So eager, Dear. Not that I mind." He took off his clothes and placed them in a messy pile next to her clothing. He got down on all fours and remembered what he was told during his first shift and slowly he transformed, then laid on the ground after completing the change. 

Kitty got up and rubbed her head on his. ~Of course, I am eager. Tired, Darling? It takes a lot to transform for the first few times. It was even hard in the beginning for me. I started younger than most of the fox demons. I think that is because of all the strange powers that I have. It is not easy when you have so much running through your body.~ Kitty hopped back and ran around happily as she watched him from the corner of her eye.

Leo watched her for a little bit and the felt the energy come back to him. He got up and stretched out. ~I am but that is because I am not used to this yet. I really like that I get to be here with you while you show me how to hunt. I was never able to catch that mouse.~ He sighed. 

~It's okay. I will hunt with you while you are still learning the ropes. I really do not mind. I think that it is good to show and tell. If there is a target that we can get together then let's do that.~ Leo walked over to Kitty and rubbed up against her.

~We can do that, Darling. I will lead the way. We will start with something small and then we will hunt for something bigger. How about we start with a rabbit. It is small and if you miss it I can for sure capture it.~ Kitty slowly walked away from the house. She walked and listened to the sounds of the forest. 

~There's a rabbit hole to the northwest of the house. I will not intrude on the hunt but be careful and if something happens, call me right away. I found quite a few traps in the woods. So I think there were some more trespassers on Leo's property.~ Ketan's voice was heard by both of them.

~Thanks for the heads up. It is important that I get this information so that I can make sure that I can keep us safe.~ Kitty cut the communication with Ketan and looked at Leo.

Leo looked at her and was shocked that he heard what Ketan had said. ~How will we be able to tell where the traps are, love? I know that you are able to do a lot but there must be something that I can do?~

~Darling there is nothing that you can do in this form. I can not ask you to shift multiple times. I will have to use my powers and while I do that it will use up the essence. I will hunt more than normal but I crave the hunt anyways. I am actually more excited now than when we first started. The danger is thrilling.~ Kitty headed in the direction of the rabbit's hole. 

Leo placed his paws in the same spots as Kitty to be on the safe side. ~If you say that then there is no way to argue. If you need to have a bigger hunt then do what you need to after we get a rabbit. I will be near you but I don't think I will be much help. I want to see you hunt.~

Kitty stopped and sniffed the air and used her snout to push away dried leaves. ~There is a chance that there are still hunters coming onto your property for sure as this is a fresh trap. The scent is very strong from here. Come closer and smell. I want you to be able to smell what they smell like in this form it will help you avoid traps if you transform while I am not around.~

Leo walked up beside her and smelled the trap. ~Oh, is that what I am smelling. I did not know that is what humans smelled like to a fox. I take it that it depends on the human? This one has a strong musky smell.~

~That means that we are dealing with a male and not a female. Musky is more for a male and a female has a floral scent. When you get into the different beings you will notice that each supernatural smells different. With the exception of four supernaturals. I will have a calm water scent like the ocean breeze at least for now. I will ask that the supernaturals we know come over so that you can smell them in your fox form. It is easy to explain but you will not get the full experience if you do not witness it for yourself.~ Kitty sidestepped the traps and moved to the rabbit hole. She saw a rabbit and looked at Leo.

Leo stopped behind her and looked at the rabbit. He listened to the rabbit in the hole and gave her a foxy grin. ~I think that is a good idea. I do like that you are not normal and that I will be able to you by your scent no matter who comes by. Should I be able to the scents in my human form?~

~You can but you will need a lot of practice. Your office will be cleaner than the house. When all the different supernaturals coming and going it will be hard. That is something we can work on later. I will stand over to right and when a rabbit comes closer then you can try to kill it on your own if it is too hard you can chase it toward me. I will capture it but I will not kill it. I will let you get your first kill then you can watch me hunt.~ Kitty crept to the right and waited for Leo to bring the kill over you her.

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