Unknown Prey

Chapter 326 - 326 First Hunt (3)

Kitty picked up Leo's prey and placed it down in front of him. ~I do feel a lot better. You will notice the shift in yourself. I will be connected to you for life. I want my days to get more peaceful but life is strange like that. I love our children all the same as well. I wonder if Luke will choose to become the new water bearer or if he will decline?~

~It is not an easy choice to make. I believe that he will do it as it involves his dear mother. He loves you so much more than myself but I think that there is a connection that would be hard to break. I am not jealous as I know that the kid loves me too. He is attached to you in a different way from me.~ Leo looked at the rabbit and was still happy that he was able to catch and kill his first prey.

Kitty looked at Leo and smiled internally. ~Yes, that is very true. I will uphold his choice and I will not let our baby girl go through that. She is too young but if I need to find someone else I will. Ketan, I would appreciate it if you could go around the woods and disable the traps and keep a lookout for more hunters. I might still hunt another animal.~

~As you wish. I will check up on everything.~ Ketan's voice came through both of their minds before the connection got lost. 

~So as a fox you can eat the rabbit raw and all you need to do is bite in and tear off the flesh. Like what I did with the hunter.  It is normal for a fox to eat its prey raw.~ Kitty laid down and watched Leo with his prey. ~Do not worry about the blood splattering. I will need to hop into some water as I am already covered in the blood.~

Leo looked at the rabbit and did as Kitty instructed and bit in and tore a chunk of meat off. Leo chewed the piece and found that it tasted really good and ate the rest. He smiled after eating the rabbit and looked at Kitty. ~At first I was worried about the taste and that the meat wasn't cooked but it was delicious. Thank you for letting me join your world.~ 

Kitty stood up and walked up to him and rubbed her body against him. ~Darling, I am glad that you do not mind what is happening. Do you want to try and help me take down something bigger? I think there is some more prey that we can hunt and we can feast together.~ She looked at him and waited to see what he wanted to do.

~I am down for that. I am not worried about it as I am looking forward to hunting something again but I think this will be my last hunt for the evening as we do need to get some sleep and Charlette will need food. I know that there is a formula but that is not as healthy as b.r.e.a.s.t milk.~ Leo stood beside her and waited to follow her. 

~Yes, I do agree. One last hunt then. Let's hunt a wild cat that is lurking to the left of here. I can sense where he is. I want to kill him. I will lead the way and explain what we need to do.~ Kitty slowly started to walk in the direction of the cat.

Leo followed her closely and watched how she moved in the woods so as to not make a sound as she moved. ~What is the plan against the cat?~

~Hmmmmmmm, the cat is sleeping in a cave alone. I am not sure why this one is not near a pack but it has a strong heartbeat. All you need to do is attack it as I did with the human. The neck is a weak point and tear off the flesh causing the cat to bleed out. The cat may get more aggressive but I will heal you if you get hurt.~ Kitty turned back and her eyes were shining in anticipation. 

~Got it. Do you want to attack first, together or me to attack first?~ Leo could feel her excitement rise and he was getting hyped up over her excitement. 

~OH! Let's attack together. I want to do this with you. I am not worried about killing the cat right away. I want it to fight back but he will need to pick a target. I will try to keep him and have his eyes on me. I really don't want you to get hurt.~ Kitty crouched down and looked at the prey in the cave and licked her lips happily. ~We will go once you are prepared.~

Leo followed her actions and crouched down. ~I can see our prey. I am most excited about killing something a little bigger. I hope that I can provide you with the backup you need. I am ready when you are.~ 

Kitty took a few steps out and ran towards the cat and pounced on his back. She aimed for the neck and tore out a chunk of flesh and tossed the skin/fur away. ~Tee hee. This is going to be fun. Jump on him, Darling~

Leo bolted from his spot and pounced on the back of the cat and bit next to where Kitty tore a piece of flesh off already. He tore it downwards and tossed the larger skin piece away and looked at Kitty who was attacking the cat's face. ~It is weird to think that we are killing a lynx.~

Kitty was keeping the lynx busy and aggravating him to no end. ~It is all a matter of choice. I love to attack bigger animals and they usually can tell that I am not normal and also that I am a girl. It pisses them off more to know that they are getting their ass kicked by a girl.~ Kitty giggles and then jumps up and tears off a strip of meat causing an artery to break spraying out blood on both of them and she hopped back in front of the lynx.

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