Unknown Prey

Chapter 333 - 333 Short or Long Hair?

"Of course we can go see the study. It turned out absolutely amazing. I will ask Luke to help me. It will be a good bonding activity. I will help him and then I will work on unpacking all the books while he continues to bring the books up the stairs." Kitty grabs a towel and starts to wrap her hair up so that she can dry off her body.  She drys her body off and steps into the bedroom to find something to wear. 

Leo dried his body off quickly and hung the towel back up before following Kitty into the bedroom. He walked to the closet and pulled out his normal lounging clothes. He got dressed quickly and waited for Kitty to finish getting dressed. 

Kitty got dressed in a spring dress that was navy blue in color that came halfway down her shin. She turned and smiled at Leo. "I think this will do for now. I know that we still have guests so I will wear something that is befitting me." Kitty started to dry her hair while sitting at the vanity. 

Leo came up behind her and took over-drying her hair with the towel. "Your hair is so long. Is there a reason you don't cut your hair?" Leo brushed her hairs gently and once he had completed the task, he kissed the ends of the hair he was brushing.

"Thank you, Darling. I can not imagine myself with short hair. Ever since I was younger my hair has always been long while I guess I should say ever since my hair was on my shoulders I kept growing it out. Mother and father loved to style my hair and I remember the one time Mother wanted to trim my hair I bawled. I was little at the time but I did have short hair for a little while when I was fourteen. When I got away from my parents when they got attacked, my hair got burned. It was tragic but I cut it off at a lake and burned the rest of the hair that I had cut off. I didn't want my scent to get caught." Kitty stood up and walked towards the door.

Leo followed her to the door, "That is tragic. I am sure now that your hair is long again you must be happy. I will help you take care of it no matter how long it gets. I will not force you to cut your hair but it is a good idea to get it trimmed every once in a while. Anna is able to trim hair rather well." 

Ketan stood by the door of the bedroom and saw that the two were doing okay and let out a sigh in relief. "I was concerned about the two of you. Leo is not used to this and Kitty, I am sure that you were not planning on letting Leo see you in that state."

"Darling, it was hard but the one that fixed my hair was a gentle soul named Michelle. She is a good person that I met through Cedric and Yuki. Ketan there is nothing that you need to worry about. Leo is used to seeing death as he is a hunter. I will admit that I thought he might not like how I played but he is fine with it."

"Michelle… I do not want to hear that name but it is good that you two are okay. I also came to report that I have set up the camp to look like an animal attack and the one that I snapped his neck he is now in a believable position at the bottom of the cliff." Ketan looked at Kitty in a bit of disdain.

Leo looked at Ketan and nodded. "Thank you, Ketan for cleaning up that mess. As for this Michelle person, why do you not want to hear about her?" 

Kitty giggles, "She is an interesting character. I will introduce you one day when there is time. I wonder if she will be my makeup artist this time around?" 

"Oh god. I will not be at the house if she comes. I refuse to be here. I have had enough with clingy people and it is bad enough that I am stuck with you, Kitty. No offense Leo but she gets into a lot of trouble." Ketan sighed and covered her eyes. 

"It is quite alright. Sometimes a little trouble is needed in the house. She is my fiance so she can create as many issues as she can for me." Leo placed his hand on her back and guided her down the stairs. 

"I do not mind if you do not want to see her but remember you will have to deal with her at some point as you will take over the clan from Yuki and Cedric. Those two will need a break at some point in time." Kitty followed Leo's guidance and they made it back to the living room. 

Luke was holding Charlette as she slept in his arms and he looked up and smiled, "welcome back. I hope that it was a successful hunt! I feed Charlette about two hours ago but it is soon going to be time for her to wake up again."

Cindy picked up Tiana and walked up to Kitty, "I will put this little one to sleep and once that is done I will come and join you guys in the conversation. I will get a recap from Carlos." She carried Tiana and went upstairs. 

Tiana was sleeping in Cindy's arms and didn't wake up from being picked up.

Carlos was sitting on the loveseat and watched Cindy as she left, "I will do that for you." 

Kitty smiled and sat down next to Luke and took Charlette in her arms. Charlette didn't stir and continued to sleep in Kitty's arms. "I am sorry that it took so long for me to get back to the house. I was really only planning to be gone for an hour but that is not what happened on the plus side I was able to take care of some potential problems while I was out there." She looked down at Charlette before kissing the top of her head.

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