Unknown Prey

Chapter 339 - 339 Do you Know Peter?

"Interesting, I wonder when he will show up? Not this week though. It will take a while before he can get here and he will have to hold his hunger in check. A turned vampire I am assuming. Stella is turned as well but there is a bit of a difference. As not all turned vampires handle their thirst the same and some of them long for their Master's blood." Kitty closed her eyes before saying, "You can come in Stella."

Stella was about to knock on the door when she heard Kitty's voice so she opened the door. "Good morning, you two. I am very sorry to disturb you but there are some people outside that said that they are allowed to set up outside?" 

"Yes, I am doing some work from home so that I do not need to travel with Charlette. I am a model but also an actress. There are people that adore me. I get requests while on vacation all the time but it is time for me to retire from my modeling and acting career. I love everyone I work with so it will be a hard choice to make." Kitty watched Leo in the mirror.

"You are brilliant, you know that? I was surprised that you were the Advocate but the paintings downstairs are yours as well. Charlette will be waking up soon from her nap as well and will want some food. She ate the bottle but didn't seem to like it as much." Stella looked at the two and wondered why Leo was so quiet.

"Stella, do you remember all the vampires that you turned? There was one that you supposedly turned and his name was Peter." Leo watched her and waited to see how she would react.

"I do remember Peter but I was told that he passed away from Valdis. That boy was hopelessly in love with me. I stopped seeing him a little while ago." Stella looked at Leo a bit confused.

"He was not dead and he will probably show up here. I was going to bring him here but then I decided against doing it so we left him at the third place we inspected tied to a tree." Leo stopped brushing Kitty's hair and turned to face Stella.

"If you do not want to see him I could make it so that he can not come near the house?" Kitty stood up and walked towards Stella. 

"No, it is quite alright. Peter was a sensible vampire that kept me company. I didn't know he lived. As I said I was unaware that he was living. Peter, I am glad that you actually survived. As his Master, is there something I could do to bring him here do you know?" Stella looked at the two hopefully.

Ketan came and knocked on the door before entering. "I just came to tell you that they're here now but it looks like Stella beat me to it." 

"Ketan, do you remember the vampire that got tied up to a tree while we were investigating the third house?" Leo looked at him.

"Peter? Oh shit, we need to go back for that poor soul. I remember now. What is it about him?" Ketan looked a bit worried. 

"Can you take me to him? I am his creator and I want to make sure that it is the person that he says he is!" Stella looked hopeful and there was hope in her expression.

Leo nodded his head as to say that he approved of this happening. "I will come with you two. If he is who he says he is then he can join Ketan as you have. I do not actually have any issues with this." 

Kitty kissed Leo on the cheek. "Have a safe trip all of you. I will go to Luke in the living room and feed Charlette." Kitty left the room and closed the door behind her. She went downstairs, to the living room and found Luke holding a slightly fussy Charlette. 

"Mother it is good that you are here. Charlette eats the formula but she isn't happy about it." Luke was patting Charlette.

Charlette heard the soothing voice of her mother and stopped being fussy. Her little arms flailed as she made a squeal. 

Kitty took Charlette from Luke and sat down next to him. "My goodness, Little Sunshine. Are you that excited to hear mommy's voice?" 

Luke grabbed the blanket and helped adjust it over Kitty. "There you are, Mother. I hope that you do not mind me helping you out?" 

"Thank you, Luke. There is nothing wrong with you helping me out. I trust that you are going to be a fantastic big brother." Can you go outside and grab Liz for me?" Kitty started to feed Charlette and smiled at luke.

"Of course! I will do everything that I can!" Luke got up and walked to the front door. He looked outside and saw the bustle of people. He saw Liz and walked up to her. "Excuse me, but are you, Liz?"

"Oh! Yes, I am, are there any issues?" Liz turned and saw the young man looking at her with a questioning gaze. 

"No nothing is wrong. It is just my adopted mother is looking for you. Please follow me and I will lead that way." Luke started to walk back towards the house. 

Liz starts to follow the young man and remembers that this was Kathrine's place so that meant he was talking about her. "Sure. I do not mind. How are you doing this morning?" 

"I am doing well, thank you for asking." Luke held the door open and then led her to the living room. "How are you doing this fine Monday morning?" 

"I am doing wonderful! My actress is back and she is the best in the field. There are times where it is hard to get a hold of her. Good morning, Kathrine!" Liz saw Kitty and took strides towards her right away. 

"Good Morning Liz. I am sorry that I was not up to greet you right away but I am here now." Kitty fixed her top and burped Charlette before handing her back to Luke. "My little Sunshine, Mommy has to work so you will be with big brother."

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