Unknown Prey

Chapter 354 - 354 Baby Swing

Emerson laughed at Kitty, "Now, now Kathrine, not everyone can be like you and meet the man of your dreams and have a baby right away. You are not allowed to comment about this." The way he said Katherine was a bit drawn out as if he was taunting her name. 

Luke came into the living room and looked at everyone. "The barbeque is good to go. I just confirmed with Carlos. Whether you want to do it today or tomorrow. The choice will be up to you guys. Mother, you look really good in that dress."

"Barbeque? That sounds like fun." Sylvie walked down the stairs with a gurgling Charlette. 

Luke went to Sylvie and held out his arms. After he was handed Charlette his eyes lit up. "Good morning baby sis. I know I haven't been around a lot this morning. I have been helping Mother out." He walked to the living room and kept staring at the little one. 

Charlette let out a happy squeal and moved around in his arms. 

Kitty looked at the two and smiled. "Luke, why don't you pull out the baby swing and set that up for Charlette I am sure that she would enjoy that a lot. The swing is still in the nursery." 

Emerson glanced at Sylvie and then at Luke. "I will grab it for you, Luke. That way you can keep Charlette company for a little bit." He went upstairs and grabbed Sylvie to come upstairs with him. When they were out of hearing range he burst into laughter. 

Sylvie looked at him and was confused. "Is there something that I missed?"

~Just the usual banter between everyone. I thought that it was rather cute. Also, Emerson picked your ages. You are thirty-five and he is thirty. Which of course is far from the truth but there is nothing that can be done about it now.~ Kitty's voice was heard by the two of them. 

~I see. Well, we very much cant say that I am one hundred and seventy-seven so I can accept thirty-five I guess. The swing is tucked away in the nursery so where?~ Sylvie chuckled at what she had heard.

~It is under the crib. We didn't set it up yet. I wasn't sure where it should be placed but now I think that the living room is a great idea. Also, Ketan if you slip up with my name I will slap you.~ Kitty stopped the connection and started to leave the house. "It is time for a break. This fake belly is somewhat hard on my back." 

"Go ahead and take it off. We will finish writing out the kabob requests." Liz pulled out the paper and made sure that every single person inside filled it out and Kitty walked back to the change room. 

Janet met her and started to guide her. "You are crafty faking that you need a break when really you just want them to finish the list." Once inside Janet removed the fake belly. 

"You know normally a regular person would start complaining after the first set of pictures. The fact that I didn't complain until now is a miracle." Kitty smiled at Janet and then started to laugh.  

Janet started giggling with Kitty. "I am really glad that you decided to do this shot. I thought that since you were in love I didn't know whether or not you would take this job." Janet sat down on a chair. 

"I know but it was a request that was hard to pass up and Charlette was not supposed to be brought into this world yet so I thought that it would work out but fate works in mysterious ways." Kitty was sitting looking at Janet.

"So where is mister dream boat anyways? Since you are here we have not seen anything from him." Janet looked over at Kitty and watched as she smiled in a mischievous way.

Stella looked at the lifeless bear and then at everyone in the group. "I have finished drinking. My blood was really thick before because I had fed so much before. I didn't think that I would break free of that place and I was brought out to turn some humans. I hunted animal after animal while I could. So, of course, my blood would be thick. After all that fresh blood I do need a moment though."

Peter had watched as she drank the bear's blood. "Take all the time that you need. I know that this is not something that should be rushed under normal circ.u.mstances."

Leo looked at the two and was smiling. "In all honesty, if Peter was able to drink animal blood we wouldn't be forced to do this but I am glad that the two of you are happy. It is not always easy to find the one that never leaves your mind. Just look at Ketan. He has been around for a long time but did not find his loved one in all that time. So you two are rather lucky." 

"I might not have found anyone but the one that I do choose in the end will have to give up a lot in the end. I will not force that person into my lifestyle. If she decides to stay human then I would respect her wishes. I already know that the girl of my dreams will forever be etched in my heart." Ketan looked up at the sun.

"You make it sound like you have finally found that person. Can we hope that you will ask her to be yours from now until the end of time?" Stella looked at Ketan and finally calmed down enough.

"That is something that the two of them need to talk about but if he continues to sip on her blood she may not have a choice." Leo looked at Ketan smiling.

"Just look here you, fox! I know that I need to stop but you don't know what it is like to have a glass of 'water' in front of you when you are thirsty as all hell. I really do want her to have a say. Yes, there is someone at this time but she does not know everything that will happen." Ketan sighed and glared at Leo.

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