Unknown Prey

Chapter 357 - 357 Where Shall the Bonded Ones go?

"Just as I am glad that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. There is nothing that could make me happier." Peter touched her cheek while smiling.

Ketan smiled and let out the breath that he had been holding in. "Good job the two of you. I am glad that you both made it through this. I am blessed that the two of you are now one. My first approved bonded couple. Congratulations Raul and Geneviene."

"Thank you for letting me watch also congratulations. When you are ready to move then we'll head to my office or would it be better to take them to my house than the office?" Leo looked at Ketan. 

"I do not want to go back to the house right now. If Michelle sees me she will not allow us to leave to get what we need to do." Ketan shudders at the thought.

"If you do not mind, if you take me to the location of the car I could drive it to the house with Peter and we could go just ourselves. I am able to drive." Stella looks at Leo and then at Ketan through her pain.

"Shhh, right now you need to rest and then we can think about it. You must be worried about the baby. I know that you care about her dearly but there are probably more than enough people in that house to help look after her." Peter patted her head. After that, he ran his fingers through her hair. 

"I know but it is now my job to help with the baby. She is just the cutest little baby girl ever. I know that you do not understand at this point in time but you will understand one day. For now, all you need to know is that I love looking after that little girl." Stella looked at Peter and her eyes had calmed down. "I am grateful that you are worried about me."

Leo smiled, "I am glad that the two of you have made it through this. I was worried at first but now I am glad that the two of you are together. I am happy that you two are together. And I hope that you will still love each other through all points of time. I know what it is like to find the one that means everything to you and nothing else in this world matters. I would not be the man that I am today without everything that has happened to me. Kitty is the best person for me and I want to be her strength for whenever she needs it. So I hope that both of you are the same way."

"That is very touching Leo. I know that everything will be fine. I trust you both. I also know that there is nothing like being with the one you love. So will I be driving back with Peter?" Stella was gaining her strength back as the mark cooled down. 

"I can agree with that. I worry as there are humans on-site and I know that you two will not be able to change your eye colors but I will take you to the car. Just relax as much as you need to first." Ketan nodded his head. 

~Sweetie, Stella, and the vampire we accidentally left behind are now bonded as one. I was thinking about letting them come back since you will need help with Charlette. What do you think?~ Leo sent this to Kitty. "Just let me check with Kitty and see what she thinks about this first."

~There is nothing wrong with the two coming here. I will welcome them. How was watching the bonding process?~ Kitty looked at Janet, "Mister Dreamboat had to go to work this morning. He will hopefully be home in time for dinner but I am not one hundred percent certain when he will come back. It will be a surprise."

~It was interesting for sure. I did not think that it was going to happen so soon but it did. I have never seen a bond that happened between two that are in love.~ Leo looked at everyone. "Kitty says that it will be fine for the two to return to the house. Ketan We shall take them to a car and then we will go to the office."

"Well with how adorable the baby girl it is not a surprise that you fell for him. Charlette is a sweetheart. I would love to see her growing progression. Please keep me in the loop." Janet bowed to Kitty. 

"Janet, you do not need to bow to me. I may be taking my rightful place but I have not passed on what I need to." Kitty sighed and looked up at the ceiling. ~Alright my Darling. I will wait for their arrival but we are all over the place with the photoshoot.~

"You know that if I was of the water, I would take the burden away from you but I am not. I hope that you find someone who is willing to relieve you of those duties." Janet got up and patted Kitty's shoulder. There was a knock at the door. "Come in."

Luke entered the room and looked at Kitty, "Mother. Charlette fell asleep in the swing so I thought since you were on a break that maybe you could tell me more about the runes." 

Kitty smiled and waved Luke in. "Since Ketan is working with Leo I do not see an issue with letting you know. It will take more time than I have but I can start. If that is what you want?"

"Yes, please. I want to learn as much as I can." Luke sat down in the chair next to Kitty.

Janet looked at the boy and then at Kitty, "this is unusual a werewolf that is of the water element is extremely rare." Janet stood behind Kitty and took out her hair. She slowly let her hair down.

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