Unknown Prey

Chapter 359 - 359 The First Rune Passed

"Mother I am ready. I am sure that you know a way to make sure that your partner does not disappear and I trust that you will be there to guide me through everything. I know that there is nothing more that I should do and once I touched the rune for the first time I felt that it was the right path. I am ready to accept it." Luke bowed and then stood up smiling at Kitty.

"Then I, Kitsune the original bearer of the water element bestow upon you the rune of the Dragons. With the Dragons Wilhelmine and Afe here to witness this passing may you follow the journey you will now see through." Kitty lowered her hand and took Luke's hand and placed it over hers. The rune went from the pale blue to the vibrant sapphire blue. "With this rune passed to you, you are now one with the dragons." Kitty took the finger that she dipped into the water and traced over the rune on Luke's hand. 

Luke looked at the rune and smiled. "This feels like it was meant to be. I did not think that it would feel like this but now that it is done I am not in that much pain and I feel relieved." 

Kitty placed her palm on the water and a blue-violet color replaced the rune on her hand. She pushed her hand under the water and relaxed. The water felt soothing on the burning that was coming from her hand. She relaxed her mind and let the color change happen. Once the rune was done she pulled out her hand. "It is complete. The real color is amazing. I never thought that it would be this shade of purple but it makes sense at the same time since I was also the water bearer."     

"Mother are you alright?" Luke kneeled down and touched Kitty's shoulder. 

"She is fine. Like you are coming into your rune she is coming into hers but the life element is different from water. It is going to be more intense as she is opening up to all the dragons. She will still be able to hear us but she will also hear the earth, wind, and fire dragons as well. Each time she takes on the rune she is gaining three new clans." Amelia got up and walked towards Kitty. "You are coming into your rightful place, anytime you need our help we will be there for you." Amelia touched the purple rune and helped it fade. Then she touched the blue rune on Luke and helped to make it disappear. "We have lingered on this plain long enough so we will go back home now. Be safe and we will come to see you again soon."

Luke watched as the human-like dragons shifted to their real forms and flew into the sky. "Thank you!" He waved to them and then helped Kitty stand. 

"Thank you, Luke. They will come back and check on the water here but you must not tell others about this place. It is a secret. I do not want it to be found by anyone. I know that you are starting to become a bearer so I will have you come here to receive the runes. You will understand later why I don't want you to talk about this place." Kitty took his hand and stood up. She took them back to her dressing room. 

"I will not say anything." Luke looked at their surroundings. "It is neat that you can transport like this. Will I gain any special abilities?" 

"Congratulations, Luke, and Kitty. I am sure most supernaturals in time and will feel the shift. There are a lot of supernaturals close by so they might freak out but Luke I would hold off on those questions at least for now. Kitty is required to get ready for the next photoshoot." Janet smiled at the two happily.

"OH! that is right! Mother, I will be inside looking after Charlette. Please come inside when you are done." Luke bowed and left the trailer and skipped back to the house. 

"We can make the rune look like a tattoo after you get into the next dress." Janet smiled and undid the back of the dress. She helped Kitty step out of it. Janet picked up the belly and adjusted it on Kitty before picking up the canary yellow sundress. She helped Kitty step into it and pulled it up over the dress. She did up the zipper that was at the side of this dress and wrapped the ribbon-like belt around and tied a bow above the belly. The top had a small v-cut and had short sleeves. The skirt came halfway down her shin. 

"This is really simple. I could see this in different colors and it would be popular for any mother that is expecting. With the zipper on the side then the mother does not need help getting dressed." Kitty sits down and closes her eyes. 

"Yes, I do believe that is the reason for this dress. I will grab Michelle." Janet went outside and grabbed Michelle. "I know that you are waiting for Kitty and she is ready now." Janet looked at where Michelle's eyes were staring.

Michelle turned and looked at Janet. "Let's go and finish up. I felt the shift. That means that she will need to unlock the fourth seal when she passes on ten runes. She is something else but I am glad that she found the right one." She followed Janet back into the trailer. She saw the rune in Kitty's hand. "OH MY GOODNESS! I knew that the pale blue was immaculate but the purple is even better. It suits you, Deary. Congratulations." 

"Thank you, Michelle. If you think it will help I could use magic to cover it up." Kitty held out the rune for both to see. She held out her palm and it appeared like the water one did but only this time it was the blue-violet color.

"We can put some makeup on the sides and make it like it was drawn for the shoot. I think that would be fun. It would be a sign for all the supernaturals that come across it and know that the one to change history has arrived once more." Michelle looked at the rune on Kitty's hand and thought about what she could do.

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