Unknown Prey

Chapter 363 - 363 Will You Move on?

Janet went to the door to let Michelle and company in. "You look fabulous in that!~" Michelle walked around Kitty smiling.

Cindy nodded at Kitty, "sorry for barging in. Tiana was worried that you would be upset since she fell asleep." 

"Mommmy!!!! Tiana did not think that she would feel so sleepy that she would fall asleep. Tiana is sorry." She latched onto Kitty's leg. 

Kitty pulled Tiana on her lap, "you little angel. You do not need to worry. Mommy is not mad at you at all. You did such a good job. When we see Liz later we will be able to look at how the pictures looked." Kitty patted Tiana's hair but was careful that it didn't get messed up. 

"Okay, little one. I need to do Mommy's makeup. Like I did with yours. Will you let me do that?" Michelle looked at Tiana and smiled happily.

Janet was already doing Kitty's hair as Kitty was sitting still enough for her to style her hair. She stopped and clipped the hair up.

"Okay, Tiana will get down." She leans over and kisses Kitty's cheek and smiles. "Uh oh, now Tiana messed up the lip gloss."

Michelle helped Tiana get down. "When I finish Kitty's makeup I will touch yours up as well. You are fine, Sweetie." She let Tiana run to Cindy and watched in envy. 

Kitty smirked and waited for Michelle to see her expression before she looked straight-faced. She closed her eyes. Quietly so that only the three supernaturals could hear she asked, "is there a connection that you feel?" 

"I am not sure but I think that there is," Michelle whispered back and started to blend in a grey color above the makeup that was already there. "If there is, would you disapprove?"

After her lips were touched up Kitty looked at Michelle, "no, I would not. If there is anyone that I can trust it is someone that has been friends with Yuki for as long as you have. I know that Mother Yuki does not tolerate imbeciles. I got some of my fierceness from her as she was there for me and helped me when I needed it the most. Besides if you are going to find someone I would rather it be someone that you can make your own and not have to worry about her dying." 

Cindy sat Tiana down and came over, "I may not have the right to say this as I am not going to live as long as you guys but Michelle you have punished yourself for a long time have you not? I think that every being has the right to find love and be in love. You need to look forward to the future."

"I have a poem for you, Michelle." Kitty still had her eyes closed and recited the words from the poem she wrote a month ago, "For now I'm thinking about the present. Not dwelling on the past. Looking forward to the future rather than worrying about what's to come. Live each moment to its fullest as you never know what could happen." She opened her eyes, "I want you to think about that this week and when you make a choice let me know."

Tiana got up and hugged Kitty's legs, "Mommy writes pretty-sounding words. Tiana loves you, Mommy!" 

Kitty lifted Tiana up on her lap, "I am glad that you liked them. Daddy is going to be working on getting you into school. I will have Luke drive you to and from school. I think that it would be good for you to be with girls and boys your age. I know that Luke was homeschooled and if you do not like going to the school. We can teach you at home, okay?"

Michelle picked up the lip gloss and put a little more on Tiana's lips. "There it is all fixed now, Sweetie!" 

Tiana smiled big and wide. "School! Tiana wants to go but if no one is nice to Tiana she will not like it there. Tiana also wants to stay at home but if big brother is going to drive then Tiana will try her best." 

Kitty slid Tiana off her lap and started to get up. Janet helped Kitty because the fake belly was awkward to move with at times. "I really did not want Kitty to have to use her magic and potentially become drained. I know that is not how it works but I still worry."

"Janet you are right to worry. Kitty has been overexerting herself. I am actually kind of mad about it still. I hate that she is pushing herself so hard but I do also understand that there is not anyone that is able to help her out the same way. I know that she is concerned about every little thing but at the same time I am proud of my leader." Cindy took Tiana and lifted her up.

"Weeeee~ Tiana is so happy. Thank you, Auntie. Tiana may not understand what you guys are talking about but Tiana loves everyone and is happy to have such a big family now. With baby sister here now, Tiana is a big sister now!"

Janet leads Kitty towards the door, "now I get it. She is so adorable. I would not be able to pass up the opportunity to take her in if I was in your shoes."

Cindy follows them out the door while Michelle stays back to think about the poem that Kitty said to her. 'She is as crafty as ever but she is right. I need to move on again. I can not keep punishing myself for something that is beyond my control. I hate that she is right.' Michelle shook her head. 

Kitty walked to the living room and waited for Luke to come back. "I am sure that you will enjoy going to school, Tiana. It is interesting to learn about all sorts of new things. I know that school was fun for me when I went."

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