Unknown Prey

Chapter 393 - 393 Poor Charlette

"As her guardian, I will make sure that she does not do anything to harm herself even if that is what she wants." Ketan glared at Kitty and bent down and picked her up. "I will take you back to Leo. I am sure that he is waiting to hold you in his arms." Ketan disappeared with Kitty and knocked on the bedroom door.

Leo heard the knock and slowly climbed out of bed when he opened the door and saw Kitty and sighed in relief. He took her from Ketan. "Thank you for bringing her back to me." 

Ketan smiled, "It is now part of my job to look after both of you. I will do everything in my power to keep both of you safe although not that I wouldn't have done that before. Rest up you both had a rather long evening and it is still early morning." Ketan grabbed the door handle and started to close the door.

"Thank you, Ketan. I know that it was not an easy choice to make but you made that choice. I will not forge it." Kitty said this and the door clicked shut. She lifted her arms up and wrapped them around Leo's neck. "I am sorry for all the trouble and for almost killing you last night." 

Leo squeezed on to her and laid her upon the bed. He climbed over top of her body and leaned down kissing her. "I do not care about it. All I need is you and if you do not exist in this world then there is no point in living. I will not want to survive and live with the regret that you died when there was something that I could do." Leo looked down at her and tears formed in his eyes. 

"I am sorry. I did not think about that. I am glad that you decided to save me. I love you Leo and that will not change." Kitty reached her hand up and touched his cheek. "Do not cry, Darling. I will be fine. There is not a lot that I need but you are my main reason for living. Without you, I would not be happy. Are you not in any pain?"

"I am hurt but that is not my concern." Leo bent down and kissed her lips. He separated from the kiss and a few tears fell on Kitty's face. 

"Come lay with me. You are as tired as I am. I can tell that you have not been able to rest." Kitty wrapped her arms around his neck. "Just think we will be planning our wedding together after my work is all over with. We will be able to finish up and plan a real wedding with all our friends and what little family is here but I must say this photoshoot is becoming more and more like our own than I thought it would." 

Leo smiled and wiped his tears from her cheeks and laid down next to her. He then pulled her into his arms. "I really want it to be official as soon as possible. I like the idea of the mock wedding through the commercial as it will give us an idea of what we need to do for our big day." 

"That is very true. I had a lot of phone calls today. I ordered a cake and flowers. I swear this is beginning to feel real rather than a dream." Kitty snuggled into his arms. 

Leo held her close to his body. "I want everything to be perfect for our big day. I know that there is a lot that needs to be figured out but I want to ask, can I kiss you for real during the commercial? I do not know the protocol is."

Kitty snuggled in closer and closed her eyes. "The more real we make it the better. I want a real kiss from my fiance. I do not want us to fake anything." She yawned and as she was breathing his scent filled her and she began to get more and more drowsy.

"Let us sleep more. I know that there is a lot that will be going on today and we both need our energy." Leo felt her slowly fall asleep. He chuckled from the way she was clinging on to him. He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her head and drifted off to sleep. 

Both of them slept peacefully and at noon Luke was at the bedroom door with a fussy Charlette. He was trying to keep her clam but she was about to wail when the door opened. 

Leo stepped out of the room without his shirt on and yawned. "Good morning, Luke." Leo reached out and took Charlette from him.

"You must have been very tired. It is already the afternoon. Charlette has been fussy all day today. I do not know it is because of the formula or if just misses you two." Luke handed Charlette to Leo and waited to see how she was doing.

Charlette started to cry. Tears ran down her cheeks as she wanted the soothing voice to come to her. 

"There, there, Sweetheart. I will bring you to mama. It will be okay Luke she is just fussy. I will bring her to Kitty. Thank you for taking care of her this morning." Leo turned and went into the bedroom with the crying Charlette.

Kitty woke up from hearing Charlette crying and held out her arms. "Little Sunshine, come to mommy. Mommy is sorry that she was not there when you woke up." 

Charlette tried to hunt for the soothing voice and stopped screaming. She returned her head and wailed with tears filling her eyes.

Kitty reached out and took Charlette from Leo and rocked her. "Good afternoon. I am sorry that I was not there when you woke up my Little Sunshine. I am here now." Kitty laid Charlette on the bed and held out her finger for Charlette to grab onto.

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