Unknown Prey

Chapter 399 - 399 Welcome to the Association as the Advocate

"Yes and no. She was always sharper than most girls and was blunt about things. If I had told her what I was planning on getting into she would've stopped me so that is why I never told her what I was up to. It seems like I was worried for nothing and I should've told her and then maybe we would not be in this situation." Thompson looked at his daughter waiting to hold the baby.

"There is no such thing as coincidences, only the inevitable. I believe that this holds true. I want you to know that you think about this and reflect upon your actions, Thompson." Kitty burped Charlette and handed her to Elizabeth.

Brielle helps support Charlette so that Kitty could adjust her clothes. "I will help you so that Charlette is safe, okay?" 

"Okay! I do not want to hurt the baby. She is so small and precious." Elizabeth looks into the blue eyes of Charlette. "You are so adorable!"

Charlette gurgles something and reaches her hand up to grab Elizabeth's hair.

Kitty fixes her shirt and smiles at the interaction. "We have a teenage boy at the house and he is obsessed with Charlette. He stays with her as often as he can. She cries and he's right there. Then again I think Leo and I both know the cause for it." 

"Yeah, I suspected but with each passing day, it is getting more and more clear. She is so small now but if there is anyone that would marry our daughter then he would be the right one." Leo went back to his computer and started up the scanning program. 

Lydia looks at the two confused. "Is he that attached that you think that he will take her as his bride?" 

Ketan looked at Kitty and shook his head. "I am glad that you noticed. Once a werewolf chooses his mate they are forever linked together. Nothing will stop them." 

Leo let out a sigh, "Ketan not everyone knows that my son is a werewolf but I trust everyone that is here is trustworthy. Lydia, could you come place your hand on the scanner and then switch hands? I need for you to register into our database." 

"I understand now, I hope that it goes well for them." Lydia walked to Leo's desk. "Okay, I am ready." She placed her right hand down and let it scan and then she placed her left hand down.

Elizabeth was happily holding Charlette as she noticed Charlette was falling asleep. "Miss, I think you should hold her. I do not want to accidentally wake her up when I pass her over." She whispers to Brielle.

Brielle takes Charlette and rocks her to sleep. "You are a good girl."

Elizabeth climbs off the couch and goes to her mother and watches the machine scan her mother's hand. "Can I touch it?"

Lydia picked up Elizabeth after her hands were scanned. "This is for Mama's work it is a bit sticky." 

Leo looked at the curious girl and nodded his head, "we can scan your hands like your mother's hand. Give me a moment, okay?" Leo made a file for her. "Okay, you can place your hands on the scanner. Lydia, do not worry it will just be for fun and we will be able to track her in the office in case she gets lost." 

"Oh, that is a great idea. I will allow this." Lydia looked at her daughter and lowered her so that her hand could touch the scanner. 

Elizabeth placed both hands on the scanner and giggled. "Both my hands fit on there. This feels strange but also neat. Mama, I am starting to feel hungry." 

"It is time that we go to my place now. They have food ready for your arrival. I asked Sylvie to make sure that there was food. When I take you to my sister, you need to close your eyes, okay? I do not want you to feel sick after I teleport us." Ketan looked at the girl and smiled sweetly.

Thompson stood next to Ketan and held open his arms. "When you are ready, baby girl."

Lydia hugged Elizabeth then put her on the ground. "You be a good girl for Papa and I will come home when work is done for the week." She kissed her head.

"Mama, I will be a good girl so please visit me soon." Elizabeth kissed her mother's cheek then ran to Thompson and Ketan. "I am ready!" She closed her eyes tight and waited. 

Ketan scooped up the girl and touched Thompson's shoulder and the three disappeared from sight. 

Leo smiled and sighed, "okay, everything is set into the system. So I have two desks and neither has been claimed so the empty one has not been used for many years and the other one was my old desk. I was training for my take over so that was my spot."

Lydia looked at the two desks and went and sat down at each desk. "I will take the unused one. It has the advantage of being unseen. I like the element of surprise." She looked at the desk and smiled, "and besides that desk has some things on it still." 

"Those would be mine." Asurlon came out of the bedroom, "I wanted to make sure that Leo had a secretary before I left and now he has two. I am grateful that you joined us. I am getting too old but I have one last mission to do before I leave and that is to help watch that hunter that went sour." 

"Asurlon, how are you feeling?" Kitty got off the couch and walked up to him, "Did the tea help you?" 

"Oh, you are as beautiful as the last time I saw you, dear." Asurlon smiled at Kitty, "the tea you made me was marvellous. I really enjoyed it and it helps my old bones." He walked over and gave her a hug. "I know that I did not give you a hug last time but this time I will. Welcome to the association as the Advocate."

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