Unknown Prey

Chapter 403 - 403 Despair

Charlette squeals happily at the mention of Luke. Her little hands reach for Kitty's cheek.

"I know that you would like that. Once Daddy is done with work we will go home." Kitty looked down at her daughter smiling and talking softly. 

The hunters were shocked by Kitty's actions. She looked like a human and the baby was so adorable. 

Noah and Bell smiled and got up with Clara. Clara ran up to Kitty and was holding a piece of paper. "Auntie is so pretty! I drew this for you. I want to become friends with your daughter." 

Kitty knelt down and took the picture. "You did a really good job. This is Charlette she is too small but Tiana is the same age as you and I think that the two of you will be able to get along. Would you like to meet my other daughter still." 

"Yes, pretty please. Mama and Papa told me that you helped them get the week off. We are going to visit Nana at the farm. I am looking forward to this. Nana always makes me pancakes!!" Clara was rocking on her heels smiling at Kitty.

"You are most welcome but Leo is the one that gave them the time off. You should thank him instead of me. I do not have a place that belongs to the association yet." Kitty patted Clara on the head.

Clara kisses Kitty on the cheek and kissed Charlette on the forehead then she raced to Leo. "Uncle Leo." She jumped on his leg.

Leo lifted Clara up. "Yes, Clarbear?" He was holding her with one arm.

"Thank you for giving Mama and Papa some time off. I heard that things would be busy. That pretty lady is so kind please make sure that you win her over." Clara hugs Leo. "Oh, I look forward to coming over and meeting Tiana." She kisses Leo cheek.

Leo chuckles, "that pretty lady will be my wife soon enough. I already gave her a ring and she accepted it. Go spend time with Nana and tell her I say hi." Leo put Clara down and smiled. 

Kitty walked to Leo's side and was smiling. "She is simply adorable and your nickname for her is so precious. Your people here are so sweet and kind. I cannot let any of them come to harm's way. It is nice that I got to finally come here. It has been a long thing in the works but we finally made it here. Sandra and Robert would be so proud of you." Kitty rested her head on his shoulder blade. 

"As would Linda and Charles be proud of you Katherine." Skyla came onto the stage and walked up to Kitty. "You resemble both of them well but where did the hair colour come from?" She touched Kitty's hair and smiled sadly. 

Leo took Charlette from Kitty and spoke into the microphone, "I would like each of you to think deep down what you think of this. I will not change my mind on marrying the love of my life but I want to give you a choice to decide how you feel about this." Leo bowed to the crowd. "This concludes the meeting you are free to disperse. 

"It is a rare condition from being a hybrid…" Kitty trailed off and lost focus. 

Ketan caught Kitty as she collapsed. "She's having a vision there is no cause for alarm." Ketan carried her off the stage and disappeared from sight and took her to Leo's office and laid her down on the couch. "Kitsune, speak and tell me what you see." 

Kitty walked through the darkness until finally, the vision came to light. "Death everywhere." Kitty walked passed the bodies and froze when she saw something and tears flowed from her eyes. 

"Kitsune, it is a vision, we can change it. Who do you see?" Ketan was trying to get the details from her. 

Kitty dropped the vision and her body went limp. 

"F.u.c.k. This means you will not tell us what you saw. You stupid girl." Ketan got up and grabbed a cloth and placed it on her forehead. 

Moments later Leo and the crew came through the front door. Leo rushed over to Kitty and saw that she was now resting. "What happened? Did she say anything?" 

"She had a vision but she refused to say what she was seeing. She even went as far as to drop the vision. She has done that in the past when she doesn't want others to know what she saw. She will drop it so that she doesn't say what she sees in the trance." Ketan got up and kicked the table. 

Brielle was holding Charlette and placed her in the carrier as she was now asleep. She walked to Ketan and touched his arm, "I am sure that it is something that she doesn't want the wrong person hearing."

Leo held Kitty's hand and sat on the floor next to her. "I want to know what you saw my love." 

"No one is going to hear what I saw. Other than we need to stop a war from happening. I will not say anything else on this." Kitty opened her eyes and they were still glazed over. 

Ketan stocked over and was glaring at Kitty. "How do you expect us to stop it if we do not know what is going on?!" 

"Can't tell you the truth Ketan because it is an event that I can't change everything that I saw. You will understand when the timing comes." Kitty's eyes start to focus and she blinks a few times. She sat up and placed her head in her hands. 'F.u.c.k.'

Leo had let go of Kitty's hand and let her move as she felt the need to. "If you need time, take all that you need. If you need to be alone with your thoughts you can leave to go and calm down. I will be here for you." 

Kitty nods her head and leaves from that spot and lands in the middle of the pool of water breaking down and crying. She laid there bawling not worrying about anyone seeing her.

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