Unknown Prey

Chapter 405 - 405 Death of Loved Ones

Ketan took the two to the Medical ward with Brielle showing him the way. "Thank you, Brielle. You have a duty to help Leo and I have a duty to go check on Kitty again. As a bearer of the element, I am bound by the rules. Be safe." He left her and went back to Kitty. 

Kitty was sitting in the middle of the pond holding Rex. "With you joining us Ketan that makes it easier. Berith, you have been alive for almost a million years. You watched and guarded the world alone. I know that your element bearers perished one after another once they decided to no longer live anymore. It must have been heartbreaking but you stuck around and had my mother. I will never forget having you in our lives." 

Yuki stayed off the water but placed a hand inside at the edge. "Berith, you were there for me as I grew up and helped out Cedric a few times. I will never forget your kindness. May you finally be at rest old friend." 

Cedric placed his hand in the water. "Berith, when I first met you I'll be honest... I hated you to my very core but as time went by I learned a great deal from you and now I will mourn your passing." 

"Berith, you were a good friend to all of us and even helped guide me when the timing was right. I am sorry that I was late. The two hunters you protected are injured but they will survive. I swear to you that I will protect your Kitten." Ketan kneels down and places his hand in the water. 

Coughing Berith looks at each individual, "the pleasure has been all mine." He touched Kitty's cheek, "Kitten, I know that this will be hard on you but take the last of my essence and live on for this cruel world." 

Kitty was crying the whole time and took the knife from his pocket. She brought it to his neck, then sliced the nape of his neck. "I will never forget you, Berith my Grandfather." She started to drink the essence and she was going to stop.

Berith kept her drinking his essence. ~Until the very last drop, Kitsune. Please.~ 

Ketan watched as Berith's body started to crumble and finally all that was left was his clothes. He got up and went to Kitty. "Leo will be worried about you. We still have our duties to attend to." 

"I-I know… I... just need a moment." Kitty picked up the clothing and brought it to the edge of the lake and she went back to the middle of the pond and wrote Berith on the top of the water then she cried a little more before walking over to Yuki and Cedric. "Thank you for coming here and seeing his end. Please come on Friday. I will need your love and support." 

"We will be there Kitsune, the only life bearer. Let me know if you need anything. I will be in touch." Yuki hugged Kitty then stepped back. 

"As Yuki said we will be there, but please know that if you need us we are only a call away." Cedric hugged Kitty and patted her head. "My other daughter."

Ketan stepped beside Kitty and smiled. "You two go back to what you need to do. I will make sure that this one does not get in any more trouble." 

"Guard her well Guardian. We will see you Friday." Cedric looked down and hugged Yuki. after he hugged Yuki the two disappeared from their sights.

"Ketan, let's go back to Leo. I am worried about all the death that I saw in my vision and I know that Leo will break down eventually." Kitty looked at Ketan.

"As you wish." Ketan took Kitty back to the office. 

Leo, Will, and Brielle. Were slowly moving people and trying to uncover the bodies. As some of them were trapped under the rubble from the explosion. 

Leo lifted up Asurlon and laid him next to the deceased bodies. 'You were a great mentor to me. I will never forget you.' Leo closed his eyes and then went back to work on moving the bodies. 

Kitty rushed to where Leo was and hugged his back. "I am sorry that I left you behind." Kitty stepped away and started to repair the walls of the building and all the rubble was no longer there. 

"Thank you, love. I was wondering how long it would take us to be able to see who was lost. It is sad that so many lives were lost but at the same time if it had been a full crew many more would be lost." Leo watched as the walls were rebuilt as if nothing happened. He watched as it only uncovered one more person. Leo counted the bodies. 'Five dead and two injured.' 

"I am sorry about Asurlon. I know that he was a good friend and like a father to you." Kitty walked up to Leo and gave him a hug.

"This is not your fault. It looks like Steve is the cause of this loss. I will remove him from the system and he will no longer be able to access the building nor use any of the weapons issued from here." Leo went into the closest office and sat down. He quickly got to work on making everything inaccessible to that bastard.

Kitty went to the bodies and sat on her knees and mourned the loss of them. "I may not have known you guys well but you were just doing your job. There is nothing wrong with doing your job. I know that you guys will have a hard time passing but let me ease your spirits.' Her tears flowed down her cheeks and each person's soul was released and she watched them move on and she wiped the tears away.

"You are doing well. You just have to remember this feeling Kitty. I know that you are safe now. I am going to be here, for whenever you need me." Ketan stood next to her. "I will take you to the injured ones." 

"Thank you. I will heal them and hopefully, Leo will be able to lock in on the one responsible." Kitty stood up and she followed Ketan to the Medical ward.

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