Unknown Prey

Chapter 411 - 411 Guardians Please Use The Map

"You should take care of yourself and you are not allowed to help." Kitty touched Yuki's belly. "It'll be too much on the little one." 

Claude raises an eyebrow and looks at Cedric. "We are going to have a chat after this is all over. Kitsune, we will move in the shadows. As you are our Goddess, you have the right to command the guardians. We will move as you want us to." 

"Rafe, I hear what you are saying. There are a bunch of supernaturals that need to be relocated. I will ask that you and Hathor move them and then we will plan our hunt." Kitty sits up and looks at the two.

"Yes, my Goddess. I will follow your command and will. Do you want us to stick together or go separately?" Sephira looks at Kitty then at Claude.

"You can move together. It would be better for you both that way. I have a map in my study in the house. Lucifer if you do not mind could you get it?" Kitty starts to plan the next course of action. 

"As you wish." Cedric bowed and left their sights.

"Rafe, you have no say when it is okay for a baby to arrive. It is also not like I can help it. So much has happened in such a short time." Yuki was staring daggers at Claude. 

"Okay, enough. Rafe, you know that Amaris just lost a good friend and who knows who else might not make it. If you do not stop I will make sure that you will never see this child, Rafe!" Kitty's anger shines through.

Leo sat there watching the interaction and stared at the two newcomers.

Sephira looks at Leo and then bows to him. "I am Hathor or Sephira. I am a necromancer that was turned into a werewolf many years ago and this is my partner Rafe or Claude. We are the original guardians of the first two bearers." She smiles and bows. 

"The first two bearers as in Cedric and Yuki correct? That would make it so that you would be able to explain a lot of things that I would not completely understand, correct?" Leo looked at the two. "I am Leo. I was a human hunter but now I am tied to Kitsune and my given name is Erebus. I am also Kitsune's first guardian." 

"It has been a while Claude and Sephira. I am glad that you two are still doing well."Ketan walked through the door and looked at everyone. "I could sense that you were surprised. I decided that I should check up on you and make sure."

"Ketan look at you. You have actually grown up a lot. I am surprised. I did not think that you would mature so fast. You need to guard this one well." Claude looked at Ketan smirking.

"Hmmmm, I remember a certain someone saying that if it ever came to becoming a guardian they would refuse. As they had enough on their plate from being a bearer." Sephira teased Ketan happily. 

Yuki hugged Kitty and didn't let go. "You will do as I have asked you to in the past Ketan. If you do not then I will punish you. Do you understand?" She turned her head and looked at Ketan.

Kitty hugged Yuki. "You are thirsty. Do you want my blood? It might be the best or will you wait for Father to come back?" 

Yuki shudders at the thought of drinking her blood. "I'm sorry…" She quickly sinks her fangs in and takes a few gulps of blood and then drinks a little more deeply. 

Cedric came back and got to work on pinning the map up and only looked at Yuki as she drank. He let out a sigh and smiled happily. "I am glad that you are finally drinking." He walked over and kneeled down beside Yuki and Kitty.

Yuki stopped drinking and sealed the wound before jumping on Cedric. "I'm sorry. It is just everything that has been so stressful. I wanted to be strong but I held back for nothing." She hugged him and clung on his chest. 

Kitty's gaze softened and she opened her eyes before getting up. "Hathor and Rafe you two will be able to come and go from this place as you please. Please take a look at this map and see what is all set up. I cannot guarantee that all the supernaturals are still in these places." 

Claude walks up to the map and touches Sylvie's house. "They are not certain of this area but are thinking it could be a hideout. We will start to do weekly check-ins with her and make sure that no one is lurking outside the walls. It is not nice that they were able to find so many." 

Sephira touched the spot where their descendants were. "Will we have to appear in front of them after such a long time?" She looks at a deep breath and tries to calm herself down. 

"No, you will not need to talk to them. They were already in a new location but I did advise them to move again if they were willing. They will move again to keep the pack alive." Kitty smiled at the two of them. "I have seen a few supernaturals but there is no way that I can see all of them when I have so much going on at home." 

Leo got up, walked behind Kitty and gave her a hug. "It'll be okay. We will get everything that we need to do and the hunter that stays with me will be the ones that want things to change. We will shift everything in the right direction." 

"Mmmmmm, yes I know love. Everything is slowly coming together. I just did not want all of this to happen the way that it has but one cannot control the human heart." Kitty nodded slowly and rested her head on Leo's chest.

Ketan sighed and looked at all the love in the air and turned a little bitter. "Mother, when is the baby due?"

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