Unknown Prey

Chapter 415 - 415

"Me? I will sleep in the spare room that is here. I will make sure that I stay out of your way. It is a well-known fact that I will not be able to sleep long but I set up a room in case I needed a place to crash from her draining the essence in my body. I build it so f.u.c.k.i.n.g fast but when she is almost crazy she could kill me and you know what she won't do it as it'll add more strain on her body. I am going to hunt before calling it a night." Ketan gets up and leaves the room.

Kitty weakly opened her eyes. "Darling," she touches his cheek, "do not know about this. This is something that Ketan is right about. I would not be able to handle his powers. While why it is safer for me to feed from him. Not that I do not like feeding you. I think that your essence is exactly what I need." 

Leo laid down and pulled her in his arms. "Sorry I am just a little jealous of Ketan. If I was not a human and a supernatural then you would suffer as much." 

"Don't even think about it. If you go to Ketan and get him to change you I will castrate you. You will not change from who you are. I do not care what Ketan's success rate is. I will not allow you to change. Promise me." Kitty looked up at him and was pouting with tears in her eyes.

"I will not do it. Sleep love. It has been a long day and you and I both know that there is a lot more to come in the next few days. Tomorrow you still have more work to do." Leo lifted her face and kissed the corners of her eyes. "I promise you that I will be okay." 

Kitty feels him kiss away her tears and she calms down. She lays her head against his chest again and closes her eyes falling asleep. 

Leo pats her head and lays there awake and waits until Ketan returns but sleep pulls him under before he could talk to him.

Ketan woke up and looked at the couple and shook his head. He transported them back to their bedroom while they were both dead asleep. "You two are fools." He disappears from their room and goes back to the cave.

At six in the morning, Kitty wakes up and looks around the room. She sits up on the bed and goes back to the cave and grabs Ketan by the throat. "I will only say this once. If Leo comes to you asking you to change him you will refuse or else I will not stop at your breaking point."

Ketan looks started and locks his eyes with her. ~My, my who pissed in your cornflakes? You should know that I do not turn anyone into supernaturals. Besides he is already immortal there is no point to make him a bloodthirsty immortal.~ 

Kitty drops Ketan, "I am glad that we are on the same page on this matter." She left him coughing on the ground and went back to the bedroom. She appeared in the bathroom and started the shower. 

Leo got out of the bed when he heard the water running. "Did you go and tell him that I was not allowed to be changed?" 

"Yes, I will not allow you to become a vampire. You are already a complicated being. There is no need to make it worse." Kitty turned around and touched his cheek. 

"If I lose this mark I become a human. I know that you did a spell on me but if you do not disclose everything how will I know exactly what you did to me? It is not easy to deal with not knowing." Leo pulled her into his arms. 

"I took away your humanity. You are a guardian so that makes you different but usually, that is not possible unless you will have a harder time to die. When I took away your humanity I sealed your fate to live forever." Kitty slouchers her shoulders and is sad as she did something that wasn't okay to do. "I was not supposed to do that at all but I could not handle if I was torn away from you."

"I understand I would be rather upset if we were not able to stay together. I am not mad at you for keeping me around. I am actually happy that you would rather have me stay with you then be away. You are the love of my life and that is why I did not want to be away for you and that is why I thought about becoming a vampire. It was only so that we could stay together. If I will not die then I will not ask Ketan to turn me. It'll be my blessing and curse all rolled into one." 

"I am sorry. I was worried that you would not be happy that I took away your humanity so I hid it from you and Ketan was the first to figure it out. That is why he yelled at me. My magic will not fail." Kitty undressed and stepped into the shower. "Come join me and then we can go see our daughter." 

Mmmmm, I think that our daughter will be with Luke. I doubt that he let her go." Leo undresses and joins Kitty in the shower. "You really liked the area I built?" 

"It was absolutely stunning. I did not think that something like that would be there. If you build that then why do you contract out to John?" Kitty let the warm water run over her skin and she looked at Leo beckoning him to join her. 

"There are just some things that need to be done with your own two hands. That was one of those projects. Although I do not have a lot of time so when I was forced to take a week off, that was what I did. Of course, I was told that was a vacation." Leo scoffs and steps into the water and picks up the bar of soap. He begins to wash off her body, "so soft."

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